The stretch of Toronto's Sheppard Avenue West between Bathurst Street and Wilson Heights Boulevard has been gradually intensifying over the past several years, and the wave of growth shows no signs of slowing down. At 813-817 Sheppard Avenue West, a proposal dating back to mid-2012 from property owner Royal Lane Sheppard is now back in play after a long pause in the planning progress.
Aerial view of 813-817 Sheppard Avenue West, image retrieved from Apple Maps
The original 2012 proposal resurfaced in 2015 with a revised submission, which has now resurfaced with minor revisions to the previously proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Site Plan Approval (SPA) applications. Plans call for a nine-storey, Kirkor Architects-designed condominium building with 69 condominium units and 150m² of retail at grade.
Facing southeast at 813-817 Sheppard Avenue West, image retrieved from submission to City of Toronto
Architectural plans for the project outline a range of materials that will be used on the mid-rise's exterior elevations, with a main cladding treatment of light coloured and sandblasted precast concrete panels with punched aluminum window wall system with both clear and spandrel glass. The design would also make use of light coloured brick, architectural blocks, and clear balcony glazing. The building's standout design element is a multicoloured array of glass spandrel panels on the north facade.
North facade detail at 813-817 Sheppard Avenue West, image retrieved from submission to City of Toronto
813 Sheppard West would rise just one block to the west of Royal Lane Sheppard’s 740-748 Sheppard West site, where a near mirror image of 813 Sheppard had its OPA and Zoning By-law Amendment applications approved by Council in 2016. While the buildings may appear to be twins, subtle differences can be noted on closer inspection, including different arrangements for 8th floor balconies on the main facade, and the public realm along Sheppard.
740-748 Sheppard West (L) and 813-817 Sheppard West (R), images retrieved from submission to City of Toronto
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