Last week, a series of massive, seemingly phosphorescent tubes arrived at Toronto's Richmond Street. A few days later, the base of Tableau Condominiums was transformed by the vertical presence of Shayne Dark's 'Nova,' a prominent public art installation that now graces the Entertainment District tower's podium.

A worm's eye view of the installation, image by UT Forum contributor skycandy

An interplay of angled green poles, Nova's striking, jagged form presents a strong contrast with the rectilinear podium structure fronting Richmond Street. The bright installation is framed by the tower's darker base, with the artwork deftly incorporated into to the Wallman Architects design.

Looking west, image by UT Forum contributor skycandy

Rising to a height of 90 feet, Nova pierces through the podium via an opening at the east end of the table-top structure. With individual poles now angled into position, finishing touches to the piece are being applied, completing a public piazza below Tableau's Richmond Street colonnade. 

Finishing touches, image by UT Forum contributor skycandy

In the 36-storey tower above, residential occupancy is now underway as the project's public realm contribution now nears completion at street level. Thanks to UT Forum contributor skycandy, a series of photos takes us up close to the action as the installation wraps up. 

Looking northeast, the installation will be part of a new public space, image by UT Forum contributor skycandy

Alongside the sheltered public piazza fronting Richmond, a replicated façade—incorporated into the podium's colour palette—fronts Peter Street. 

The Peter Street frontage features a replicated facade, image by UT Forum contributor skycandy

Developed by Urban Capital, Malibu, and ALIT, the 410-unit tower has made a significant impact on the Entertainment District, quickly becoming a notable element of the growing area. For additional information about the project, make sure to check out our dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Add to the conversation in our associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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