Then. Dundas looking east across Lansdowne. A 1972-ish scene [I'm guessing the date here]. Thank you to UTer ValsHere who sources this picture.
Now. November 2011. The photographer of the Then picture must have used a telephoto lens... my "wider" lens renders the downtown office towers smaller in scale.
In our Now picture, the Lansdowne Tavern — the four-story white building on the northeast corner of Lansdowne and Dundas — is gone. I'm sure it must have been a neighbourhood fixture. It's a used-car lot now, of "dodgy'" appearance — as my daughter, who spent some time in the U.K. and picked up some local lingo, would describe it. I didn't spend a lot of time in my youth in drinking places (still don't — one beer and I'm asleep — it's an Asian thing). But I sure do miss the atmosphere of the long-gone Queensbury Arms on Weston Road near Eglinton. Please don't ask how I came to be a semi-regular there. :) Mental segue to tavern food: I'll be spending the weekend again looking for a good toasted club sandwich on white, with really good fries — the ones at Fran's aren't cutting it. Any recs gratefully accepted.