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Wikipedia -510 Spadina



It looks like someone with a beef against the Spadina streetcar wrote the Wikipedia entry for the 510 Spadina streetcar. If you read that write up it is so obvious that they are a little biased in their opinions. Since the conversion to streetcar ridership on the route has grown significantly... definitely at a higher rate then other routes... yet the write up is completely negative. There isn't a single positive item mentioned in the whole write up. James Bow should be the writer for any Wikipedia entries due to his more balanced approach... it is one thing to mention the negatives but quite another to mention ONLY the negative. One of my concerns about Wikipedia from the start is that it looks like a factual and unbiased Encyclopedia to the average person yet it is written by people who are not unbiased researchers.

510 Spadina Wikipedia Entry
I NEVER tell students to use Wiki as a source...except of amusement.

The edit history suggests a relatively recent change that no one has bothered to challenge and correct yet.

That's why these entries needed someone to more or less monitor and "take care of".

It could be worse - it could mention the inability to put ALRVs on the route because of the loop at Unoin Station and the grade of the tunnel entrance at Queen's Quay.
That's the beauty of Wiki... you can edit it, and eventually, things come to a consensus.
It could be worse - it could mention the inability to put ALRVs on the route because of the loop at Unoin Station and the grade of the tunnel entrance at Queen's Quay.

Yep, it could be worse by putting even more false rumours in such as that.
There used to be a whole bunch of references to Toronto's debt load and loss of businesses to the 905 and Mississauga's surplus was (completely) caused by the cancellation of the Toronto expressway network plan (Spadina, Crosstown, Scarbough, etc...). I have a suspicion they were slipped in by the same guy behind the CAA's "Mobility Plus" plan.
Reading the history and sometimes vandelism of wiki articles is sometimes as interesting as the article itself (in a nerdy way). Little narratives.
Something very classically Internetty about that saga, in the Libertrollian sense...
It could be worse - it could mention the inability to put ALRVs on the route because of the loop at Unoin Station and the grade of the tunnel entrance at Queen's Quay.

Speaking about ALRVs on the 510...

Monday night I was waiting for the streetcar at Spadina station around 10:30pm, returning home on my usual commute when I noticed there was way more people than usual waiting for the car. I ended up waiting atleast 10-15 mins and even more people pooled onto the platform. Finally out of nowhere a giant ALRV comes flying down into the station and everyone looked at eachother in a wtf kinda way. It was nice though because everyone got a seat on it instead of being almost certainly sardined into a CLRV, if one of those were to have shown up. It was also interesting riding down the line on it as some people walking on the street looked on in bemusement. So how come they don't use the ALRVs more often on this line? Is there not enough of them? Is it simply more efficient to run the CLRVs? I've noticed during rush hour when I'm headed northbound the car is running into situations where it's too full by the time it gets to College or Willcox to pick people up, or all the cars get bunched up, or two cars take up the entire platform in the station and make the cars stuck behind wait. I know these aren't really huge issues but would using ALRVs on the line help ?
I use the 510 twice a day and have yet to see a ALRV. I don't know if every fact in that Wikipedia article is true, but some of them definitely are.
Did the mystery ALRV terminate at King St or Queen's Quay? What did the roll-signs say?
Strangely enough the roll-sign said "501 Humber"...which is why people looked pretty confused getting on it. I only took it to Sullivan, and I should have looked to see which way it went if it indeed headed west on Queen, but I was too anxious to get home at that point.
A TTC document I read recently on the refit of the CLRVs states that they will be provided with couplers so that they can run in pairs. This would make a lot of sense on Spadina.
