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What's up with We?

Admiral Beez

Member Bio
Apr 28, 2007
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This organization has a whiff of graft and corruption to it.

Here they are flipping property back and forth amongst company insiders, often at below market prices.

Then there's sketchy deals with the city

And now this scandal with Trudeau, told best IMO by BBC

Sponsors are dropping or reconsidering their relationship with the org

This is all beginning to look more like a Scientologist cult than an organization focused on international development and youth empowerment.
Lots of corruption relating to the Liberal Party, Trudeau and Monreau (Finance Minister) and unfortunately their answers to the Finance committee didn't convince the public otherwise.
Another Trudeau/Liberal scandal
Nothing to see here, just more corruption. Make a mistake on your taxes and the government will make you regret it....but will pull this nonsense.
Lots of corruption relating to the Liberal Party, Trudeau and Monreau (Finance Minister) and unfortunately their answers to the Finance committee didn't convince the public otherwise.
Another Trudeau/Liberal scandal
No, let’s not muddy this with talk of Trudeau. I want to know what’s with We. Is it a true non-profit or a front for building a property empire?
From back in the day when I was a wee lad in primary school, I remember Marc Kielburger's bollocks being pushed on us and remember thinking about how cultish it was...then him and his brother started this culty money laundering operation and of course the Liberals are involved....that's like their specialty...I mean, other than arrogance.
I've heard for years about how WE takes advantages of young volunteers for what basically amounted to unpaid labour, especially with their overseas work.

Yes, and they fool the kids into loving it.

It's a creepy cultish organisation. Glad to see it falling apart.
Reminds me of those Christian groups that go overseas to pretend to build schools in some hot tropical place. (faith-based work) but it's more like a vacation.. Unskilled rich do-gooders on a free trip paid by donations. They take work from the locals who have the job skills and need the money.
What bothers me is that the media is suggesting the only thing Margaret Trudeau is is the PM's mother. She has been high profile for decades. As for the payments, the tories seem to forget that St Stephen's office boy wrote a cheque for $90k to pay off the questionable expenses of a tory senator ("Senate Reform"! Remember that one!?). The young have always been fair game for marketing scams, it was simple back in the day - a lunch box with a cartoon character, if push came to shove a poster in your room or if you were really lucky a membership card to a fan club. Today's kids want a spectacle to prove their good works, got to be public, never mind the whole "Discretion is the better part of Valour" nonsense.
The gormless what-his-name "leader" has done nothing to be a true opposition, he just keeps dodges the PM's steps and hopes to make some points on it. The tories had 15 years in power to do good and look at what they accomplished.
^What the hell does that have to do with this? Other than nothing, of course.

So, current corruption is ok because there was corruption in the past?

Great logic. :rolleyes:
^What the hell does that have to do with this? Other than nothing, of course.

So, current corruption is ok because there was corruption in the past?

Great logic. :rolleyes:
If this continues, we could end up becoming another Brazil, regardless of which political party is in power.
