Sorry I'm late, here are some videos from opening weekend: The trains are far too crowded to get a timelapse, might have to get it next week.
My thoughts on the system:
Loving it, but there are a lot of issues, especially along the Waterloo Spur:
1. Speeds on the Waterloo Spur and Huron Park spur are way too low, especially in the straight sections. Trains should be able to top out at 80 km/h and they should not be slowing to speeds lower than 50 km/h except for the occasional sharp turn. 40 km/h between R&T Park and Laurier is a little absurd for a grade separated line.
2. Bus integration is horrible at so many stations. Conestoga, uptown Waterloo, Ottawa, and Fairview are the exceptions, but each of the following interchange points needs to have something done ASAP:
a) Northfield Station — I do not understand why they couldn't fit a bus loop here, or why the 19 and busPLUS couldn't serve this stop
b) UW Station — Why hasn't the transit terminal been built yet? It was scheduled to be completed in 2017 initially.
c) Laurier Station — If UW is so keen on not running buses down Ring Road, why didn't they build a bus terminal at Laurier to serve the 202, 12, 29, 19 (maybe) serve this stop instead? It's not a long detour, maybe 3 minutes via Albert and Seagram.
d) Central Station — What a cluster****, it's so difficult trying to transfer in downtown. They need to get the new terminal constructed as soon as possible.
e) Block line — How is there no bus loop here yet?
3. Some of the traffic signals aren't giving true priority. According to an employee, it's due to pedestrian cycle times, which makes me wonder if they installed some sensors in the best locations. I'm not sure if they will be able to fix this in the future, however.
4. Idiot Drivers (need I say more...)
5. Scheduled Connections, I feel like GRT could have done a bit of a better job scheduling bus connections with the light rail. Also, the 6 connections with GO absolutely suck. Service on Westmount Also needs significant improvement.
Overall, I am happy with the service, and it has made my direct bus commute faster (even with the transfer!). I just hope these issues are fixed in the near future, as we haven't even hit peak transit ridership season.