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Vice Guide to North Korea


Member Bio
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Christie Pits
The guys from Vice Magazine put their lives on the line and sneaked a video camera into North Korea. They made a documentary about their tour of the country, showing just how messed up that country really is. Absolutely fascinating. 14 parts of 3-5 minutes each.



Getting into North Korea was one of the hardest and weirdest processes VBS has ever dealt with. After we went back and forth with their representatives for months, they finally said they were going to allow 16 journalists into the country to cover the Arirang Mass Games in Pyongyang. Then, ten days before we were supposed to go, they said, “No, nobody can come.†Then they said, “OK, OK, you can come. But only as tourists.†We had no idea what that was supposed to mean. They already knew we were journalists, and over there if you get caught being a journalist when you’re supposed to be a tourist you go to jail. We don’t like jail. And we’re willing to bet we’d hate jail in North Korea.

But we went for it. The first leg of the trip was a flight into northern China. At the airport the North Korean consulate took our passports and all of our money, then brought us to a restaurant. We were sitting there with our tour group, and suddenly all the other diners left and these women came out and started singing North Korean nationalist songs. We were thinking, “Look, we were just on a plane for 20 hours. We’re jet-lagged. Can we just go to bed?†but this guy with our group who was from the LA Times told us, “Everyone in here besides us is secret police. If you don’t act excited then you’re not going to get your visa.†So we got drunk and jumped up onstage and sang songs with the girls. The next day we got our visas. A lot of people we had gone with didn’t get theirs. That was our first hint at just what a freaky, freaky trip we were embarking on...
I'll have some time tonight to watch this, I think I'll be in for a treat. Last year, Patrick Brown, I think, got to show a bit of North Korea on a mini-documentary of the National. Fascinating.
The National Geographic documentary on North Korea ("Inside North Korea") is also great... you can probably find the torrent somewhere.

"A State of Mind" is also really interesting.. it was actually completely done in cooperation with the North Korean government... and you see the total propoganda-brainwashing experience of living in Pyongyang.
i just saw all 14 segments. what a miserable place.

very tragic.
Wow! Incredible! Every time I dismiss the Vice team as a gaggle of know-it-all hipsters, they come out with a documentary or feature article that really cuts deep - I also recommend the Vice guide to Iraq and the Vice guide to Poverty. The tea girl scene, in particular, was very moving.
Wow! Incredible! Every time I dismiss the Vice team as a gaggle of know-it-all hipsters, they come out with a documentary or feature article that really cuts deep - I also recommend the Vice guide to Iraq and the Vice guide to Poverty. The tea girl scene, in particular, was very moving.

One of the comments was that someone should make a movie about a guy who goes into North Korea to rescue the tea girl. I'd watch that.

But still, that documentary was gripping, and even though I have a huge project due tomorrow, I couldn't turn it off.
Thankfully the people know no better. If they saw themselves as we do, they'd be quite depressed.

Took some balls to film that.
As a photographer, I couldn't go without taking my SLR and I'm not so sure that would come across too well with those people.
I'm sure if you were going and saw the declaration form that forbid them on pain of prison/torture/execution, you could be persuaded to leave it at home.
when the leader of your country is a dead guy, you got serious issues.
I've always liked Vice's guide to Toronto's "Clubland"...

This ‘hood is to be avoided at all costs: mega-clubs with names like Privilege, laser beams in the street and 905ers looking to get laid… truly odious.
