As for the LRC's, the conspiracy theorist in me imagines that there is a beancounter somewhere (more likely in Ottawa than in Montreal) insisting that VIA expedite LRC retirements...on the premise that VIA was "permitted" to renew its fleet but not to enlarge it, and maintaining both sets of assets is an unauthorised manipulation of the asset side of VIA's balance sheet (I know, the asset value for the LRC fleet must be pretty low, but these are bureaucrats I'm talking about).
Most importantly, I suspect that VIA's operating people are crossing more fingers every day as they dispatch LRC consists....and maybe Transport Canada folks are breathing down their necks..... but I'm happy to see VIA squeezing every last drop of juice out of the grapefruit. The more seats sold, and the more proof that demand exists, the better the case for buying more Ventures.
- Paul