Developer: Neudorfer Corporation
Architect: Barrett Architect Inc., Burka Architects
Address: 1400 Dupont St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2017
Height: 263 ft / 80.16 mStoreys: 27 storeys
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Upside Down + Fuse Condos (Channington/Brownstone, 14s x2, 26s x2, Burka)

It's a good advertising strategy, so far. I look forward to seeing something more specific about the building.

The location is not the best, and will require some real marketing effort. Bloor and Lansdowne does not have the best reputation, and the area of Dupont and Lansdowne is if anything worse. That big high-rise at 1011 Lansdowne is widely known as a high-rise slum, home of drug pushers etc.
I live and lansdowne and dupont, right across the street from where these condos are suppose to go. I'd hardly say it's a terrible area. I'd say downtown is worse. At least here, people mind thier own business, you are being bombarded by homeless people when you walk home at night.
The question is, where is the 'electrifying' rendering of this project? Its only been 4 months already. Have they figured out what it looks like yet?
This web site just HAS to win some kind of award. Certainly different!

As for the building design...Yawn..
Anybody familiar with this neck of the woods? Does this thing fit for this area?
As for the building design...Yawn..
Anybody familiar with this neck of the woods? Does this thing fit for this area?

It's an older, somewhat industrial part of town... yet to be developed.
I actually like the architecture... the colours contrast well against each other and the height variations break up the building
Considering the area will command some of the lowest prices in the city, the architecture is not bad. Most of the buildings in the area will be demolished anyway to make way for this multi-phased development.
^What are you talkin' about?

AFAIK, this development are the (so far) unbuilt twin highrise phases of The Standard rental community on the old American Standard site ... i.e. absolutely nothing is being demolished
^What are you talkin' about?

AFAIK, this development are the (so far) unbuilt twin highrise phases of The Standard rental community on the old American Standard site ... i.e. absolutely nothing is being demolished

^ What are you talkin' about?

Perhaps you should visit the sales office for clarification, but this is what I understand is happening: The first phase is located at 1415 Dupont and is 14 storeys and 297 units (The Standard is located at 1401 Dupont). There will be 7 (not 2) buildings in total on both sides of Dupont (ranging from 14 to 26 storeys) totally nearly 3000 units.

The final phases will include some of the facade from 1400 and 1420 Dupont, but the majority of 1400-1420 Dupont and 983 Lansdowne will be demolished.

My point was that with the Chealsea Lofts on the southeast corner (1375 Dupont) which is new (registered in 2005), the Coffee Time site likely to be redeveloped at some future time on the northeast corner, and a major change in the northwest and southwest corners, it is hard to say the development does not fit into the context of the neighbourhood, when the area is being completely redone.
I came across an ad in the most recent condo guide that says they have 1 bedrooms starting from $157,000. Considering the smallest suites on the site are 500 SF, that equates to around $315/foot. Pretty cheap i'd say. What's surprising is that this is lower than the $169,000 they originally had suites listed at. Maybe they're having a harder time pushing this area than they expected.
The first phase is located at 1415 Dupont and is 14 storeys and 297 units (The Standard is located at 1401 Dupont)

So buildings have different addresses? Interesting. The first phase represents the unbuilt twin highrise half of The Standard's masterplan (which is currently a vacant lot). Phase 2 is news to me however, moot point as I doubt it will ever come to fruitition.
lansdown/dupont intersection will stay worthless unless they demolish those two awful rental buildings... especially the one on lansdown since the one on st. clarens ave had some facade work done two or so years ago...
the units are really really cheap but than again we understand why... sales people were nice if nothing... :)
