Debunking the myths about Tory's leadership
Jan 31, 2008 04:30 AM
Rueben Devlin
In the four weeks since a dedicated group of Progressive Conservative party members launched Grassroots PC, I've heard from a huge number of people across this province.
Many people have told me that for the good of the party and to win the next election, John Tory simply has got to go. I agree.
Other people have told me that they would like Tory to stay on as leader. Fair enough. But I've also noticed that when people tell me this, I usually hear one of five main reasons. So I'd like to take a moment and respond to each one.
Myth No. 1: There is no one else available to be Progressive Conservative party leader.
Fact: The PC Party of Ontario is a great party with a strong winning tradition. There is no shortage of new and experienced leaders out there who will seek our party leadership if there was a leadership election. Remember, people don't just jump on the playing field – they wait for the game to actually be scheduled.
On Jan. 21, Grassroots PC released a list of 50 people who would be excellent candidates to replace Tory.
We believe that a leadership race would reinvigorate supporters and attract many new supporters to our party. A new leader will take us to victory in 2011 the way Tory simply hasn't and never will.
Myth No. 2: Tory is a nice guy.
Fact: He may be a nice guy, but Tory has proven time and time again that he is incapable of providing the leadership needed to win an election. There are lots of other nice people out there to consider – nice people who can actually take this party to victory in 2011.
Myth No. 3: Tory should be leader because he is a good fundraiser.
Fact: What Tory does not understand is that leadership means a great deal more than just focusing on fundraising. And while he may have raised funds as leader, all of those resources were wasted on running one of the worst campaigns in recent memory – a campaign that resulted in our devastating defeat.
With a new leader, I know our party can generate the funds we need to pay off our new debt and win the next election. After all, winners know how to get the whole job done.
Myth No. 4: The PC party lost the last election because of one issue.
Fact: The PC Party of Ontario lost the last election because Tory was our leader. Our party was not ready for the election and we ran a failed central campaign from start to finish. The voters felt in their hearts that Tory did not get their day-to-day concerns and that his principles were flexible. That, in a nutshell, is why we lost the last election.
Myth No. 5: Tory deserves a second chance just like Mike Harris, Stephen Harper and even Dalton McGuinty.
Fact: The PC party finished the 2007 general election campaign with a lower level of support than 2003. We finished fourth in some ridings. Tory didn't even win the seat he contested in Toronto.
Let's be clear about people who earned the right to a second chance. Despite losing their first election campaigns as leader, Harris, Harper and McGuinty all took their parties forward in popular vote and seats. The PC Party of Ontario lost ground under Tory. We're actually going backwards.
I believe, as do an increasing number of party members, that we will do even worse in 2011 if Tory stays on as leader. We can't afford another defeat. And that is why I'm voting Yes to a change in leadership.
Rueben Devlin is spokesperson for Grassroots PC. He has been a member of the executive of the PC Party of Ontario for the past 13 years and was president from 1998 to 2002.