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News   Jul 05, 2024
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TTC Work-to-Rule?

We should realize that if taking pictures of public employees on the job is legal at all (I am not sure but assume that it is; the freedom of information principle likely prevails here), then it is equally legal for adults and for those 13-14 year old kids.
It's illegal to take photos on the TTC for commercial use. Of course, that rule was drawn out by the people gunning for work-to-rule as an excuse--people are taking pictures for the Internet, so they're worse than we are. Apparently they either can't read or think that the Internet is a money fountain instead of a money pit.
How does that change the fact that a ticket taker was sleeping when they should have been working?

Private sector employers are not required to keep people around who are incapable of providing useful work, much less pay them far more than the work is worth.
wow... we have quite a few Giambrone spin doctors eh?

The problem with the TTC is SYSTEMIC. Starting from Chariman Giambrone (how appropriate) to management and it's employees.

I saw a minor fender bender on College street this summer that required not one or two supervisors, but also a third chief supervisor to come by and write a few notes.

And yes, there are good employees, but there are also some really bad employees. And those bad apples are impossible to get rid of and infest the rest of the group.

And let's not even go to the 'board of execs' and find out why we are over budget and never filling deadlines

you have a Theologist (MIhevic, vice chair), Anthropologist (Augimeri), and an archeologist (GIambrone) at the head of the board. I'm sure there is a philosopher in there somewhere.

All very respectable professions but NONE that remotely would understand the concept of a budget and hard deadlines.

You could not put together a more disasterous mix.

On a different note, i heard from the grape vine that Giambrone is planning to resign as Chairman in March, right after a few feel good announcements by the TTC.

More blue ribbon panels? What the heck does that mean anyways, and who invented that term? 'Blue Ribbon Panel'.

This guy sound more and more like Orwell's Napoleon.
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i dunno what gives people the right to judge others work habits if they don't work their. but, whatever, I think they are an easy target cuz they work with the public, anybody here would be fighting for the same thing, more money, better working conditions etc..
i dunno what gives people the right to judge others work habits if they don't work their. but, whatever, I think they are an easy target cuz they work with the public, anybody here would be fighting for the same thing, more money, better working conditions etc..

What gives people the right to judge? Please. This isn't about work habits, it's about customer service ... service which customers aren't getting because the customer service provider is asleep or absent. When you have paid for a service and you're not getting what you paid for, that gives you the right to complain. And if the employer cared about the customer service it delivers, it would be all over this like white on rice, implementing improved quality control and performance improvement measures.
i dunno what gives people the right to judge others work habits if they don't work their. but, whatever, I think they are an easy target cuz they work with the public, anybody here would be fighting for the same thing, more money, better working conditions etc..

Public servants hold a special position because they are paid by public dollars. As one myself, I fully accept and expect additional scrutiny that comes with handling the public's resources. If I worked at IBM, I would not accept that somebody to film me. But if I am in a ticket booth or driving a bus, I can't resonably expect that I might not be photographed or filmed, especially if I am doing something wrong.
Actually, it has less to do with public dollars (if you apply this standard, workers at Canadian companies receiving money from the government should also be fair game, ditto politicians and bureaucrats aside from stage managed photo op/press announcements) but the public nature of the work.

The TTC is responsible for getting people to their destinations as fast as legally possible and maintain pleasant conditions for riders in their system. There's no way a driver should take a random break on a route. That severely neglects the quality of the service. I find find those criticizing the videotaping trend to be either ignorant of the neglect which happens regularly or apologists.

Thank goodness for this trend. The reason why the public is reacting the way they are is not because they're vicious and cold, but because they've experienced it first hand. Videotaping employees empowers transit riders. Unionized labour generally works against the public interest when it comes to public transit, and those concerned about the system are doing the responsible thing and fighting back.
I don't think it's fair for these workers to be under the microscope every waking moment but if it can force a shakeup get rid of weasels like Kinnear, well greater good and all.

You guys should just be glad that these people are only transit workers. If they were cops that you were trying to capture on video they'd threaten to arrest you.
fighting back?? really? do you know their union agreement? If someone has access to it, post it, but, I'm sure they are allowed to take breaks. If they are not, maybe they need to have that written in their contract. I'm not trying to be difficult, but, we are talking about bus drivers..really, what kind of reception do you expect?
and videotaping don't prove squat, need I mention Rodney King? Whether I agree if the cops were guilty in that case or not, they were judged not guilty.
None of the video evidence I've seen on youtube or on TV even remotely proves your point that the ttc gives bad service. If I were to go to 100 Mcdonald's restaurants and not get a smile at 3 of them and I videotape it, does that mean all the employees are terrible?
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If I were to go to 100 Mcdonald's restaurants and not get a smile at 3 of them and I videotape it, does that mean all the employees are terrible?

you're really missing the point aren't you?

It's because my tax dollars pay these workers, and I DON"T have a choice about it. Mcdonalds can provide extremely poor service, but I have a choice not to support them. And if they continue that type of service, they will be out of business.

It is very simple, when your forced to pay for something then you have every right to complain about it.
