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TTC: St. Clair Streetcar Right Of Way

I've been through this intersection a few times as a cyclist, and it's a bit terrifying as a bicyclist. I've thus far avoided biking on the sidewalk, but the single lane is narrow enough, that I've tried the taking the whole lane option. Of course, a car laid on its horn for the entire passage of the underpass even though I was probably only barely slowing it down. Unfortunately, there is not much in the way of good bicycle routes here as there are so few options to get under the rail tracks. Hopefully, they'll consider cycling in the readjustment, as it could be a major route with good linkage to the rail corridor.

I don't have any measurements to quote, but by eye I would guess that the grades are at the upper end of what's doable.

The benchmark grade that I can think of off the top of my head is Bathurst north from Hillcrest to St Clair. Jane- St Clair is much shorter, but it is quite steep, especially west of Jane . (Northwards on Jane is bad, too.....when that route comes up for study, it will be interesting whether there is a problem there.)

It may be gentle enough to maintain adhesion, but I would expect it would be quite challenging for operators in rainy or icy conditions. Especially if the traffic lights aren't synched....coming east one doesnt see the lights until you reach the top of the 'valley'. Sliding into the intersection on a red light is quite possible here.

- Paul

I would bet you Paul that the stop on Queen eastbound at Dufferin is on a steeper grade than St. Clair is at Jane. And I'm sure that there are others that aren't that much better than it either.

Keep in mind too, that the Cs and Flexities are capable of handling an 8% grade while pushing a disabled car. Which means that they can handle steeper grades than that on their own.

Toronto, Ont.
St. Clair Avenue West Transportation Master Plan
Between Keele Street & Old Weston Road
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Notice of Study Commencement

From this link.

Study Overview
The City of Toronto is carrying out a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifying area-wide infrastructure improvements to address traffic congestion on the section of St. Clair Avenue West between Keele Street and Old Weston Road. This study builds on the 2015 St Clair Avenue West Underpass Study which identified potential improvements in relation to the Kitchener rail corridor such as:
• Extending Gunns Road east
• Widening St. Clair Avenue West
• Extending Davenport Road west
• Extending Keele Street south to Davenport Road
Initial Site Work
Beginning in September, the City’s contractors will be carrying out borehole drilling on St. Clair Avenue West and adjacent roadways in the study area. Area residents may occasionally experience traffic delays and noise as a result of the work. Every effort will be made to reduce the inconvenience. The City
appreciates your understanding and co-operation.

For additional study information please visit:

We would like to hear from you
Public consultation is an important part of this study. The City of Toronto will host two Public Information Centres (PICs) during this study. The first PIC is expected to be held in Fall 2015. Notification of all PICs will be advertised in the local community newspapers and notices sent to interested stakeholders.​

BTW. The old ABC Lumber, at 153 Weston Road, is now closed. That's the property opposite Gunns Road.
Check out the maps in the Functional Planning section of the page, the suggestion will make a lot more then.

Toronto, Ont.

Like this example:


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Option 4 is the best option.

I would add option 5 as well as it does a number of things. It needs to an overpass.

Option 3a is DOA.

Like it or not, I would leave St Clair as is and stop this cars must come first. The City screw up Keele/Westson Rd & St Clair Intersections Decades ago by not building a north-south jog then when the land was empty and for sell. Add the big box stores to the mess.
If I were Dictator, I would choose Option 1A(ii) (Replace Existing St. Clair Avenue West Underpass and widen to the south sides) and Option 5 (Extend Keele Street to a Gunns Road Extension and Union Street Crossing Over St. Clair Avenue West to Connect with Davenport Road). Fearing an uprising, I may replace Option 5 with Option 4 (Extend Keele Street to a Gunns Road Extension Only), but keep Option 1A(ii).
If I were Dictator, I would choose Option 1A(ii) (Replace Existing St. Clair Avenue West Underpass and widen to the south sides) and Option 5 (Extend Keele Street to a Gunns Road Extension and Union Street Crossing Over St. Clair Avenue West to Connect with Davenport Road). Fearing an uprising, I may replace Option 5 with Option 4 (Extend Keele Street to a Gunns Road Extension Only), but keep Option 1A(ii).
I just noticed there 2 Option 5 in two different location.

You and I agree on most of it, except option 1A that I don't support. Having both option 5 in place of 4 & 5 I call for will not see a real need for 1A outside peak time and then a short time frame. Not worth the time and money for a few cars on a weekday.

If you put option 6 on the board that would see Old Weston Rd go back over CP Tracks and connect to Dundas, 1A is really DOA, but not part of this EA.

Keele is the Missing Dufferin Jog.
None of those options properly fix the Keele jog. They should all be built, but it's still dancing around the issue that a major street like Keele should not have a jog. Bite the bullet and do it right.
None of those options properly fix the Keele jog. They should all be built, but it's still dancing around the issue that a major street like Keele should not have a jog. Bite the bullet and do it right.
To do it right, you start tearing down all those townhouse at St Clair. You run Keele straight to connect to Keele on the north side of the rail corridor and remove houses that would be in the way of a straight line. Weston Rd would start around Gunn's Rd on an angle to keep it straight. The S road area would be remove and become development land. You would have a 3 road connection at Gunn's Rd Area.

The underpass for the rail corridor would be a long one since it will be on an angle and as will being costly.

I would extend Keele or X road as option 5 going over St Clair that would connect to Davenport Rd as a 2 lane road since it would help the traffic to flow better for the area.

I would still go after an overpass for Old Weston Rd that connect to Dundas St.

After you build this new road, then you look at replacing development that was removed for building a true Keele Rd, not this haft a cake mesh mash. It will be more than $40 million project and take 3 years to build. Don't expect CP and Metrolinx kicking money in for this project as it will screw up their operation until the bridge is built as well seeing no need for a bridge in the first place.
There's a major traffic problem on Keele Street at Dundas. You see traffic jams throughout the day in the southbound lanes. To fix the jog would probably increase traffic on Keele by making it easier to drive. It would be important relieve Keele Street, for instance by rebuilding the Old Weston Road bridge.
There's a major traffic problem on Keele Street at Dundas. You see traffic jams throughout the day in the southbound lanes. To fix the jog would probably increase traffic on Keele by making it easier to drive. It would be important relieve Keele Street, for instance by rebuilding the Old Weston Road bridge.

In the meantime, use Annette Street to make your left turn from southbound Keele Street. There is a left turn lane at the Annette and Keele intersection, where there isn't one at the Dundas and Keele intersection.
If I were Dictator, I would choose Option 1A(ii) (Replace Existing St. Clair Avenue West Underpass and widen to the south sides) and Option 5 (Extend Keele Street to a Gunns Road Extension and Union Street Crossing Over St. Clair Avenue West to Connect with Davenport Road). Fearing an uprising, I may replace Option 5 with Option 4 (Extend Keele Street to a Gunns Road Extension Only), but keep Option 1A(ii).

The secondary impact of the Gunns Road/St Clair intersection should also be looked at for all these options. It's already busy (waiting 2 or 3 lights to turn left) and it will be even more so with Option 4.

Maybe a cheaper option should also be looked at. Remove the on-street parking for the 20 or so cars on Weston Road to make it a real 4 lanes (there are lots of little side streets that can either handle the parking as is or maybe making one of them one-way). Allows for more traffic on Weston/Rogers
