Then you have the people, who complain when there is a delay because someone was pushed onto the tracks or commented suicide. I'm sick and tired of people like that they need to grow up and realize that things happen that not everyone can control.
Only one thing.............this is controllable.......Platform Edge Doors are a thing.........they're in wide use all over the world at this point. No one expects them to be installed in every station overnight, or in a year, that's unrealistic on any number of levels.
But....the Sheppard Line was originally designed with platform edge doors in mind, something that was cut from the plans.
So this is tech we could have been installing for the last 25 years plus............ (subject to having put in Automatic Train Control or ATC, which we're also a few decades late on, considering we installed in on the SRT in 1983. )
This is manageable.
So, in respect of subways are most closures (not all); because ATC allows for single-track, two-way operation, safely. With that, its possible to close down the track in a given area in one direction for work, while sustaining 2-way service, albeit not at peak-levels.
In respect of surface routes, that are not in exclusive rights-of-way, there is still room for greater reliability by removing what random obstacles to service one may face (un regulated left-turns in front of a bus/streetcar blocking the only lane), these can be physically obstructed so as to prevent them; and operators, can also be penalized for 'running hot' (which means purposely leaving early and following another bus/streetcar closely so that you run mostly empty).
Finally, its also possible to avoid delays due to crewing by utilized double-step back crewing, and boarding delays by running more service and reducing crowding.
This is not science fiction, systems all over the world do just this.
We can to.
Its quite right to say we shouldn't 'just complain'; but we can, and ought to demand better.