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News   Jan 06, 2025
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TTC: Other Items (catch all)


A society with laws and bylaws only works if those laws and bylaws are simple, clear, easy to follow, and not overbearing on existence. You shouldn't need to carry a rule book on your person to know what it is you are and aren't allowed to do. How is ANYONE supposed to know that bikes aren't allowed on the platform unless a staffer gives them a bollocking? I haven't seen any signs anywhere in the station for this. And telling them to go to Exhibition doesn't make any sense, it sounds like someone is on a power trip.

To that end, if we want the TTC to start enforcing their bylaws, they might do well to rethink some of them first. There's a lot of highly subjective word salad in the bylaw that means nothing, such as "behaving in a manner which would interfere with the ordinary enjoyment of persons using the transit system" or "using profane, insulting or obscene language or gestures" (if I say "shit!" in conversation with a friend, am I supposed to get a fine?) And If I was ticketed for loitering because I was standing around photoing buses instead of traveling, I would be incensed.
And If I was ticketed for loitering because I was standing around photoing buses instead of traveling, I would be incensed.
That was a concern like 10 years ago, nowadays it's the least of one's concerns when staying in one spot transit fanning, and not just because it's no longer enforced like it was 10 years ago.
That was a concern like 10 years ago, nowadays it's the least of one's concerns when staying in one spot transit fanning, and not just because it's no longer enforced like it was 10 years ago.
What concerns should we have now?
Included in the staff recommendation to the board was a "Summary of E-bike Regulations Jurisdictional Scan" on the last 3 pages, here's screenshots of it

View attachment 616940View attachment 616939View attachment 616938
Thanks. Confirms my point re Toronto being one of the first if not the first. Most bans appear on busses but not rail for obvious reasons...

The ony one in the list where Ebikes ban on rail may exist is Boston...where the rule is vague... And scouring the internet forums, looks like they prevent the motorized scooters and not Ebikes (or not enforced).
Paywall free:

As I said in an earlier post, we need to focus fare enforcement to where the evaders are. Start with significant increase in roving inspectors on the College/Dundas/Queen/King streetcars between University and Sherbourne.


You fish where the fish are.
Admiral, these comments are extremely prejudiced and I advise that you tone it down. I remind you that most of the goods you purchase do originate in China, including a large majority of safe lithium ion batteries. We can discuss battery manufacturing and quality control without discriminating.
Of all of the Admiral's questionable comments, I'm not sure this is the one to pick on, in particular.

Every indication I've seen of, that the percentage of counterfeit batteries out there coming from China/Taiwan is greater than the Chinese/Taiwanese batteries on the market as a hole.

And obviously there's a huge supply chain issue, with China's increasing descent into autocracy and state-controlled business. And obvious trade concerns given their increasing ethnic cleansing, warmongering, and criminal espionage operations in Canada. More and more international observers are predicting that China is expected to invade Taiwan. And we need to prepare now as Canada and the USA would ban all trade with China/Hong Kong. Not to mention the use of slave labour in the manufacturing of batteries.

Obviously though, it's not the TTC's place to choose and discriminate on which e-bikes. If the federal government can fix the issues and the safety concerns were eliminated, then remove the ban. At the same time, extending the e-bike ban outside of rush-hour seems to be a futile move, given it's never once been enforced during rush-hour.

What concerns should we have now?
It was quite clear in the slide shown at the TTC meeting that the ONLY thing that's been ticketed in the last 5 years is fare invasion. Thus making this extension of the ban on bikes in rush-hour useless.
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Automatic announcements are saying there’s delays between Finch and St. George. But in actuality there is no service between Bloor and St. George.

Complete failure of the system.

Addendum, it’s taking +10mins to turn trains around at St. George for northbound service to VMC.
Remember how they told everyone the old system is falling apart, that's why there's so many disruption and they need funding for a new ATO system. Well, what have we learn?
Remember how they told everyone the old system is falling apart, that's why there's so many disruption and they need funding for a new ATO system. Well, what have we learn?
That it's a lot quicker to reset the new system than the old one? The first Finch shuttle bus only got as far as Sheppard before they put them back on the train.
That it's a lot quicker to reset the new system than the old one? The first Finch shuttle bus only got as far as Sheppard before they put them back on the train.
It should be noted the time before ttc deciding to launch shuttle buses, and the delays could've been much worse downtown.

It should be noted the time before ttc deciding to launch shuttle buses, and the delays could've been much worse downtown.

In that thread.........this comment caught my attention (caveat I have no idea who the poster is, and whether his third-hand information is at all accurate)

