Unearthing the Roots of Urban Sprawl: A Critical Analysis of Form, Function and Methodology
This opinion piece uses primarily the US (and a little UK) as the basis of example. Well, most US cities have seen a hollowing out of the core with usually the lower income families staying in the inner city. Well, this trend has not happened in Canada, with development happening downtown. The evidence of this is the building of the skydome/ACC downtown, when in the states, there is more tendency to build this out of the city limits. Also, with the exception of NYC, and the hyper investment of latin americans in Miami, more people are attracted to living downtown in Canada, vs. the undersirableness of living downtown, as the study points out, in a lot of US cities.
They discuss the drivers of sprawl being ease of transportation and quality of life issues (american example), but they do touch upon a little on what I am saying. The growth has been left unabated by politicans which has left the fight against sprawl to be ineffective. Which is why I keep on stating the blame is on both parties. People keep on moving out (and continue to do so to low density new subdivisions) and politicans fail to act as they want to get reelected - even though its adding to the $1.8billion deteriment.