Sheppard LRT is political. So you guys are ready to settle for less because of some administration willing to secure their mandate renewal by securing Scarborough votes?
Beside the RT, what does scarborough have? But removing or not completing the Sheppard subway is a shame to the city. So to get Scarborough (so they think) they are willing to remove North York's subway line. Oh right they already have the YUS anyways and since Scarborough had nothing to begin with they have to vote for us...Get it?
Its no coincidence he's pushing the LRT line. We are near an election year and he needs to prove Scarborough that he's done something for them...
Why should we settle for less to please some individual quest to remain in power? I've worked long enough for a municipal entity to know how it works.
Basic common sense would want the sheppard line to look like this:
How do you expect your leaders to see the bigger picture if everytime your ready to settle for less than you deserve? Right...we beat Montreal metro by 3 Km...
The TTC is the 3rd public transportation company in North America. We are the 4th or 5th city in North America. Isn't it time we demand they behave like one? A good start is to reject the Sheppard LRT.
Sure LRT is a good idea. Will it really kill you if we drop Jane LRT?
1-Does anyone believes Transit city numbers? They already said it would be more expensive than expected and it will only get worse.
2-Digging underground from Wilson to Jane Station will cost a fortune. Make no mistake about it, It will be very expensive. Wilson to bloor is like digging the yonge line all over again. Why don't they built an express tunnel on Yonge while they're at it?
So instead of talking non sense about converting Sheppard into a LRT, we should explore other scenarios. If financing is the problem, Dropping Jane is a good start to find the money.
Combining the funds of building Jane and Sheppard east LRT would almost finish the line if not complete it.
It makes more sense to later build a LRT east of agincourt. The bus routes will be shorter if the subway is complete and the network will be more efficient.
Jane is too close to the Future Steeles West station and the Spadina line. If it was Kipling or Islington LRT, you would have a point but Jane???
Toronto needs a fast nothern crosstown since it connects 2 town centers together.