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Tory Plan to Boost Alberta, BC in Parliament, Reduce Ontario

Yeah...I would like to second the thesis that it's ludicrous to suggest Ontario needs to 'take one for the team' by accepting a second-class status of representation in Parliament.
If we allow this to go forward, Ontario will really be screwed in the future. Ontario needs its representation by population as it is due, now and forever. Anything less is, in my mind, illegal.
Ontario has, and will continue to have the largest population of the provences for the forseeable future, I think Ontario needs more seats to make its self heard, problem is the PC party does not fare well in urban centres (unless its Calgary or Edmonton) and they are totally writing off Ontario, and the East for that matter, to ensure the PC party has a shot of winning the elections by putting the seats in the west and short-changing Ontario, that way they can get the bills they want passed, passed. its too bad Dion has no spine, and its too bad that Layton can't get more support, Harper will continue to do what ever he deems necessary to shift power from the east to the west.
i had ment the Conservatives, i forgot the PC (Progressive Conservative Party of Canada) was no more....
Gawd I hope it doesn't pass

The Ontario government has a website,

Here's a quote

under Bill C-22, and following the 2011 census, Alberta and British Columbia stand to get approximately one new seat for every additional 100,000 people. Ontario, on the other hand, would receive roughly one new seat for every additional 200,000 people. That is a formula for unfairness.

and another

Ontario will remain short-changed. With over 39 per cent of the expected population, the new formula would give Ontario only about 35 per cent of the House of Commons seats after the next redistribution - 116 of 330. This represents virtually no improvement from the status quo.

Ontario’s growing population will not be adequately represented. For example, with a projected population increase of around two million people from 2001 to 2011, based on Census projections, Ontario would only receive 10 new seats – about one new seat for roughly every new 200,000 people. Yet Alberta and B.C. would get a new seat for about every new 100,000 people.

It baffles me that there's not more talk about the destruction of representation by population.
BTW I just made a new Facebook group, it's called Ontario's Fair Share - Demanding Representation by Population. Please join to show your support.
The Liberals have been doing this for years, and now that the Conservatives are doing it everyone is calling foul, why wasnt it wrong when the Liberals where doing it??
Probably because this is blatantly political, with the way they're assigning new seats per 100,000 people in Alberta and BC (where they got a lot of votes) versus 200,000 in Ontario (where they don't get as many votes). That and the fact that they're trying to pretend like this is HELPING Ontario by giving it 10 seats.
Probably because this is blatantly political, with the way they're assigning new seats per 100,000 people in Alberta and BC (where they got a lot of votes) versus 200,000 in Ontario (where they don't get as many votes). That and the fact that they're trying to pretend like this is HELPING Ontario by giving it 10 seats.

And the Liberals have short changed Alberta for YEARs, heck, I dont even think any seats where added to Alberta until the first minority government was formed. Its about time Ontario is getting short changed.
The Liberal never shortchanged one specific province only for politcal gain. Despite voting Liberal, Ontairo has always had less seats than it should have even when the Liberals were in power.
And the Liberals have short changed Alberta for YEARs, heck, I dont even think any seats where added to Alberta until the first minority government was formed. Its about time Ontario is getting short changed.

Seriously... are you basing this upon anything or just assuming that since it's dastardly Ontario is simply must be at an unfair advantage?

Seat distribution is determined by a formula, and is recalculated following every census. It IS NOT determined by politicians or political parties. The last time this was done, following the 2001 census, the seat distribution was:

Alberta: 1 seat per 106,243 people
Ontario: 1 seat per 107,642 people

Yes, that's right. When the new counts were used during the election that brought in the Martin minority government, Alberta had a greater advantage than Ontario. They are both disadvantaged, along with BC, compared to the other provinces.

Now the Conservatives want to change the formula to correct the disadvantage that Alberta and BC experience, which is a good idea, want to also INCREASE the discrepancy between Ontario and the other provinces. So, you and the Conservatives are stating that a disadvantaged Alberta and BC is a terrible thing that must be corrected, but a disadvantaged Ontario is right and good because they deserve it.

That's not the Canada I know.
And the Liberals have short changed Alberta for YEARs, heck, I dont even think any seats where added to Alberta until the first minority government was formed. Its about time Ontario is getting short changed.

Just so you know (something), the oil business in Alberta was subsidized by the federal government until 1973. Add to that, eastern Canadians were forced to underwrite the cost of a pipeline from from Alberta in order to make the Alberta oil business viable. There has also has been a long history of federal government farm subsidies for Alberta wheat and canola - underwritten largely by eastern Canada.

In no way has Alberta ever been short-changed by the liberals or any federal government.
