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Tory approach to Jewish voters angers Grits

He's just a moron and wrong. We don't have any treaties with Israel. And they've been attacked repeatedly over their history. We've never rushed to their aid. Nor would they want our assistance.

That said, I don't think there's any doubt here that should Israel suffer an absolutely catastrophic attack, Canada would offer assistance. As would many other countries. Even some that are usually skeptics of Israel. I would think that such a response would be the same under a Liberal government too. How much we could do would is a separate discussion altogether.

In reality, if the Iranians ever do go nuclear on Israel, I am fairly sure their country will end up being turned into a glass parking lot as well. The ensuing exchange might not leave much to salvage in Israel or Iran.
^ Gee. Officials from an Arab country that has a hostile relationship with Israel claiming that Israeli intelligence was behind the killing of the leader of an anti-Israeli terror group. Do you really expect the Emiratis to say anything different? And why should we care whether or not Israel was or was not involved? Did we cut off relations with the US when they tried to kill Castro? Or do we cut off relations with Arab countries that openly support terror groups that kill Israeli civilians?
“Our investigations reveal that Mossad is involved in the murder of al-Mabhouh. It is 99%, if not 100%, that Mossad is standing behind the murder,” Tamim was quoted as saying by The National newspaper, which is owned by the government of Abu Dhabi.

The investigation also widened to the United States with Emirates authorities saying the alleged killers used fraudulent passports to open credit cards accounts through U.S. banks, an official said.

So let's see, they're investigating, and at the same time, claim to be widening their investigation to include the United States, but are 99% to 100% sure that Mossad agents were responsible. In other words, even though they are investigating and widening their investigation they have already come to a conclusion regardless of the fact that they are widening their investigation (which suggests no conclusion).

Also linked to the slaying are two Palestinians in Dubai custody and five others, including one woman who was caught on video surveillance at the luxury hotel where al-Mabhouh’s body was found Jan. 20, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with standing policies.

I guess these folks should be free - now that the still unconcluded and widening investigation has arrived at a virtual certainty.
I still don't see why we should have any sympathy for the deaths of Hamas leaders and operative who don't seem to have any concern for the deaths of Isareli or Western nationals. Moreover, even the governments that have expressed outrage, have not spoken out about the assassination. They have largely complained about the use of their passports and Identity fraud committed by Israeli operatives. That should tell you something.
They have a great deal of hotel video evidence which was shown on American television. About 10 suspects including the one woman mentioned are posted on the most wanted list. Murder is murder but I agree that many get away with it. Wars are often started over a single murder. What madness yet our government blindly follows as if clueless to the lawlessness of the operations they support.
They have a great deal of hotel video evidence which was shown on American television. About 10 suspects including the one woman mentioned are posted on the most wanted list. Murder is murder but I agree that many get away with it. Wars are often started over a single murder. What madness yet our government blindly follows as if clueless to the lawlessness of the operations they support.

I wonder if you have similar sympathy of the victims of this man. Or do you only fret when the victims are Palestinian terrorists?

And I fail to see what our government has or has not done. They haven't said anything on the matter, probably because it did not involve or impact Canada in any way. So what is this "madness that our government blindly follows"?
I wonder if you have similar sympathy of the victims of this man. Or do you only fret when the victims are Palestinian terrorists?

And I fail to see what our government has or has not done. They haven't said anything on the matter, probably because it did not involve or impact Canada in any way. So what is this "madness that our government blindly follows"?

Theocratic governing is scary whether it's, Iranian , American, Israeli or Canadian. The Harper government has taken an extreme right turn in foreign affairs that doesn't reflect the multicultural nature of Canada. It is even more alarming that Parliament, which the PM answers to according to our system of government , has been put in limbo by this man. How's that for " madness " , for a start ?
Theocratic governing is scary whether it's, Iranian , American, Israeli or Canadian. The Harper government has taken an extreme right turn in foreign affairs that doesn't reflect the multicultural nature of Canada. It is even more alarming that Parliament, which the PM answers to according to our system of government , has been put in limbo by this man. How's that for " madness " , for a start ?

Can you show real practical examples of "an extreme right turn" in this country's foreign affairs policy? Undoubtedly, they've taken a more right of centre approach than their Liberal predecessors. But I would hardly call it extreme. For example, would you consider adding the LTTE to our list of banned organizations to be "extreme right turn"? Or can you show me in practical terms how this government's policy on Afghanistan is really all that different from their Liberal predecessors (you know, the ones who stuck us in Kandahar with only one combat battalion to pacify an area the size of Nova Scotia)?
I'd say the only difference between the Tories and the Liberals re: this issue is that the Liberals had decades to build relationships with the Jewish community, while for years the Tories were sort of shut out. So they're catching up, and being very open about it. The Liberals, strategically not to offend other ethnicities, never made a big deal about it. As well, the Liberal elite came from Quebec, unlike Harper's Toronto/Western bias.

The Dubai folks should make the video into a block buster movie!

Both sides (Hamas vs Mossad) of course are wrong. Avenging two deaths with more deaths doesn't make any sense....
Gerald Caplan has written some good stuff in the Globe about Harper's "Jewish strategy":

As for my government standing on guard for me, I'd be more grateful if I knew from whom I actually needed to be protected. By any conceivable standard, we Canadian Jews are surely among the most privileged, most secure, most successful, most influential minorities in Canada and indeed in the entire world. We don't have a powerful Christian right-wing that is openly prejudiced, as in the United States, and the anti-Semitic incidents that do occasionally happen, while deplorable, are almost invariably caused by kids, crackpot white supremacists or marginalized thugs.

The B'Nai Brith annually publishes the number of anti-Semitic incidents that are reported to it, but these reports are never checked out or confirmed. And whatever those numbers, the vast majority of Canadians Jews know perfectly well that they now live their entire lives completely untouched by anti-Semitism. Indeed, perhaps the most politically correct stand in Canada today is the race by political and community leaders to immediately denounce even the slightest hint of anti-Semitism, however unproved or trivial. You could say they compete to see who will win the anti-anti-Semitic championship.

Folks, trust me it wasn't always this way.

Last week, the Harper government vetoed CIDA funding for a fine NGO called KAIROS, Canada's pre-eminent faith-based human rights organization. Eleven Christian organizations run KAIROS. You would think that the Harper government, whose Christian piety is worn pretty close to their sleeves, would be among KAIROS's great admirers, doing the Lord's work by fighting injustice around the world.

And yet when asked why KAIROS had its funding proposal peremptorily turned down for the first time, John Baird, the government's rabid pit bull, replied that his party, then not in government, had opposed anti-Semitism at a human-rights conference in Durban, South Africa, back in 2001. This same curious little factoid appears in my government brochure as well. Those of course were the good old days when the Reform Party's generous representation of creationists, misogynists, gay-baiters, choice-deniers and other proud members of the Cashew Coalition had not yet had their lips sewn together.

Like every self-respecting NGO, KAIROS supports causes that the Harper government disdains. Presumably, though, the government doesn't intend to de-fund every group that cares about global warming or the exploitation by plundering Canadian mining companies of impoverished Congolese workers. But who really knows?

I think Baird's bizarre answer points to an even more unforgivable sin perpetrated by KAIROS. The organization cares a great deal about justice in the Middle East. So they oppose the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and support Palestinians who have peacefully protested against illicit Israeli policies and practices. But for the Harperites, whose ignorance about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems to be a matter of principle, this “one-sided” stance may have been the last straw.

Why is this Conservative government so determined to woo Jewish support? Why is it so reflexive, so mindless, in its support for Israel? Given their single-minded pursuit of ethnic voters, politics seems a more plausible explanation than conviction. Yet Jews constitute only 1 per cent of the Canadian population and are a factor in only a tiny number of seats. Most Jews vote Liberal and while some have defected to the Conservatives over Israel, most still will. So the unseemly Conservative embrace just doesn't add up.

And here Caplan satirizes the Rights and Democracy affair:

The Harper government's torrid love affair with the self-proclaimed leaders of Canadian Jewry is about to reach a new plateau. Rumors circulating throughout Ottawa indicate that a pointed observation made by one of the government's star appointees has prompted a new initiative to augment Harper's existing strategies to woo Jewish votes.

As reported in several columns in this space, first is Harper's unconditional embrace of the present extreme right-wing Israeli government. Second is the Harper government's insistence that anyone who dares criticize the Israeli government is guilty of anti-Semitism (it's not yet clear if this applies to the Israeli government's many Israeli critics). Third is Stephen Harper's direct attack on Canadian organizations that dare say a sympathetic word about Palestinians.

Now, I'm told, the Harper government will be adding a bold new element. It will speak to the shameful truth that a surprisingly large number of Canadian organizations have been functioning without enough Jews on staff. Some actually seem to have none at all. That is about to change.

The first penalty for those who fail to meet this new test of True Canadianism Strong and Free has, in fact, already been handed out. It began in Montreal with an international human rights group known as Rights and Democracy. It emerges, to the shock of most Canadians and the outrage of much of the Third World, that Rights and Democracy failed to have a single person of the Jewish persuasion on its staff.

Rights and Democracy had begun to vex the Prime Minister because it thought Palestinians should have the same rights as all other people. Mr. Harper appointed three new board members who were committed to end this heretical nonsense. One of those appointees, Jacques Gauthier, became interim president of the board. Mr. Gauthier's credentials include a doctoral thesis arguing that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews by international law. This may not speak well for the level of PhDs but made him kosher to the Conservatives.
^It all comes down to money. If/when Muslim Canadians live in a majority Muslim affluent suburb of Toronto and give money to charities and the PC party, the PC leader at that time will bend over backwards to please them.

Palestinians, for the most part, are poor. 'nuff said.
Theocratic governing is scary whether it's, Iranian , American, Israeli or Canadian. The Harper government has taken an extreme right turn in foreign affairs that doesn't reflect the multicultural nature of Canada. It is even more alarming that Parliament, which the PM answers to according to our system of government , has been put in limbo by this man. How's that for " madness " , for a start ?

I would say that theocracy as it is defined only applies to Iran. The US and Israel, while obviously biased in favor of a single religious group, are democracies and do give all constituents a voice.

Can you show real practical examples of "an extreme right turn" in this country's foreign affairs policy? Undoubtedly, they've taken a more right of centre approach than their Liberal predecessors. But I would hardly call it extreme. For example, would you consider adding the LTTE to our list of banned organizations to be "extreme right turn"? Or can you show me in practical terms how this government's policy on Afghanistan is really all that different from their Liberal predecessors (you know, the ones who stuck us in Kandahar with only one combat battalion to pacify an area the size of Nova Scotia)?

The Harper government has made some poor moves. Its Middle East policy is decidedly coarse. No public support for Fatah? I think one needs to see the pacifists on both sides.

^It all comes down to money. If/when Muslim Canadians live in a majority Muslim affluent suburb of Toronto and give money to charities and the PC party, the PC leader at that time will bend over backwards to please them.

Palestinians, for the most part, are poor. 'nuff said.

Aww, the poor Palestinian ploy again. If one wants to complain about the Palestinians' influence in the world, how is it that public opinion has been largely on their side for years from the same people who violently oppose the LTTE?
Aww, the poor Palestinian ploy again. If one wants to complain about the Palestinians' influence in the world, how is it that public opinion has been largely on their side for years from the same people who violently oppose the LTTE?

Palestinians are an ethnic group while the LTTE is a terrorist organization that while claiming to represent Sri Lankan Tamils often victimizes them just as much as their political enemies. A more direct comparison would be between Palestinians and Sri Lankan Tamils, or between the LTTE and Hamas. In both cases, it is important to draw a distinction between the civilians on the ground and the groups claiming to represent them - not all of the people support these organizations, and I would wager most of them do so only as a last resort. Once the harsher forms of repression are eliminated and dialogue is opened up, I would imagine many of those who today support or have in the past supported Hamas, the LTTE, etc. will turn to disapprove of their violent methods. Witness, for example, the major decline in support for the IRA, the ETA, etc. once conditions improved for Irish Catholics and Basques in Spain respectively. Remember, just decades ago the situation in Northern Ireland seemed like it would go on for much longer than the conflict in Israel/Palestine.
