Part of the reason the public realm is so poor in Toronto is because the public doesn’t want to spend on it. IIRC, a recent survey had 22% of residents saying they would rather have lower taxes at a cost of reduced services, while 44% say the tax levels are fine where they are. With that kind of constituency there doesn’t seem to be a movement to spend money to improve how the city looks. Note that this is only part of the problem: we have city departments that take little care in their work/designs and who also aren’t effective in how they use money.
I'm not sure I buy that.
I'd be interested to see how many surveys in Paris, France or Vienna, Austria were taken of constituents asking if they'd like to pay more taxes for better services and what the results were.
My suspicion, is that among those who would answer, people will more often say the current amount is either about right or too much.
I think that's probably true in places where government generally has high trust and is seen to use tax money wisely, never mind where it does not.
I also think that that is, in part, a product of people believing without a specific goal stated that the money will just disappear in pay raises for staff, or pols, or on the consultant enrichment industry, or on renaming something...
Note the same survey showed a majority of Torontonians oppose re-naming Dundas; and when you ask that question are thinking.....well there's $600,000 for a worthy cause before you reach into my pocket.....
But I think aside from the ability of politicians to do things that may not be popular, if they see fit; and which may become popular after they're done (public realm, elaborate new park etc etc.)......
I think its also probably very do-able to bring a majority on side for something specific and tangible. See how Los Angeles voters (notoriously anti-tax) voted for a surcharge on sales taxes in a referendum, so long
as the money went to Transit Expansion (there was a specific list of projects as well).
Don't ask, would you like to pay more money for some amorphous, undetermined improvement in service.
Ask would you like to pay more if it buys you 3 new subway lines; or provides for city-wide Bikeshare, or even beautifies........but bring renders, and make sure every area of the City gets something!