Developer: Context Development, Metropia
Architect: KPMB Architects, Page + Steele / IBI Group Architects
Address: Ranee Ave & Allen Road, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 135 ft / 41.15 mStoreys: 15 storeys
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Toronto The Yorkdale Condominiums | 41.15m | 15s | Context Development | KPMB

Sorry for reposting this rendering, but it is a bit deceiving in terms of relative location to the mall. The mall parking deck they are showing (mall employee parking) with the "Yorkdale" sign is actually quite a bit north by the movie theatre. South of that parking deck is where the mall's next expansion is currently under construction (former TTC commuter lot and mall parking). Further south is the office building and GO Yorkdale station, Yorkdale Rd. and S/B Allen Road on-ramp, Yorkdale Park, and finally we get to Ranee Ave. And I don't believe GO buses travel on Ranee, they make use of the Allen Rd. underpass at the north end of the Yorkdale subway station to get on the 401.

Rendering artists do use a bit of creativity when creating marketing promotions, yes, but I had to raise my eyebrow at this one. It's making it seem like walking from the condos/Lawrence Heights to the mall is a quick and easy stroll. As I42 mentioned, the easiest and most comfortable way to walk would be through the subway station (w/ a Metropass). It is possible to go through the park and along Yorkdale Road to a mall entrance (as I type this I'm looking at the path through Yorkdale Park from the office building). Unfortunately it is quite a hostile environment for pedestrians, with narrow sidewalks, tall walls/fences, and fast vehicles who don't pay nearly enough attention towards pedestrians.

The mall is close, but not a simple "walk in the park" to get there.
Sorry for reposting this rendering, but it is a bit deceiving in terms of relative location to the mall. The mall parking deck they are showing (mall employee parking) with the "Yorkdale" sign is actually quite a bit north by the movie theatre. South of that parking deck is where the mall's next expansion is currently under construction (former TTC commuter lot and mall parking). Further south is the office building and GO Yorkdale station, Yorkdale Rd. and S/B Allen Road on-ramp, Yorkdale Park, and finally we get to Ranee Ave. And I don't believe GO buses travel on Ranee, they make use of the Allen Rd. underpass at the north end of the Yorkdale subway station to get on the 401.

Rendering artists do use a bit of creativity when creating marketing promotions, yes, but I had to raise my eyebrow at this one. It's making it seem like walking from the condos/Lawrence Heights to the mall is a quick and easy stroll. As I42 mentioned, the easiest and most comfortable way to walk would be through the subway station (w/ a Metropass). It is possible to go through the park and along Yorkdale Road to a mall entrance (as I type this I'm looking at the path through Yorkdale Park from the office building). Unfortunately it is quite a hostile environment for pedestrians, with narrow sidewalks, tall walls/fences, and fast vehicles who don't pay nearly enough attention towards pedestrians.

The mall is close, but not a simple "walk in the park" to get there.

Is this subsidized housing or market rate housing? Does this challenging area really demand new condos at $450 per square foot and up?

I put in three images of the lawrence heights plan... Image one and two is the current plan with less units and image three is the orginal plan with more units... Although to be fair the new plan is omitting lawrence square redevelopment which nimbys like it or not will eventually happen. Anyways I made a red line to indicate how i would like marlee to connect to yorkdale via yorkdale park.... It helps marlee not be such a stub of a street and it connects it with yorkdale and ultimately the 401 via yorkdale road...


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The amateurishness of the TTC logo on Yorkdale station is a dead giveaway that the render is unrealistic.

By the way, Marlee Avenue should be extended to the entrance of Yorkdale. 109 Ranee can run along the Marlee extension to Yorkdale station, while another branch would run where Varna used to be and would go to Baycrest Hospital. Oh, and 109 Ranee should be renamed 109 Marlee.

pw20, Ranee does not meet with Avenue Road.
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The amateurishness of the TTC logo on Yorkdale station is a dead giveaway that the render is unrealistic.

By the way, Marlee Avenue should be extended to the entrance of Yorkdale. 109 Ranee can run along the Marlee extension to Yorkdale station, while another branch would run where Varna used to be and would go to Baycrest Hospital. Oh, and 109 Ranee should be renamed 109 Marlee.

pw20, Ranee does not meet with Avenue Road.

I meant Allen. Slight of hand. My point that others have noted was that the rendering is really misleading...

A Marlee extension and better offramps at Yorkdale allowing for direct access to the Marlee Extension would also potentially take some traffic pressure off the end of the Allen at Eglinton... you may see some traffic head directly down Marlee if they were eventually going to go Westwards...
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We are not going to see new ramps off the Allen that would encourage more people to drive (and fill up neighbourhood roads with vehicles). Those days are over - it's just not going to happen.

We are not going to see new ramps off the Allen that would encourage more people to drive (and fill up neighbourhood roads with vehicles). Those days are over - it's just not going to happen.


I agree. If the people from the community won't even allow a south exit from York dale to a smaller street like Renee there is no way they are going to allow a highway off ramp.
do the south exits of Yorkdale startion take token/metro pass only???

With regards to 109B Ranee, it is recommended to go to Lawrence West station rather than to Yorkdale station, unless one has a Metropass.

Yes, I am in favour of demolishing Lawrence Square (especially given that Target did not want the old Zellers location there, leaving the mall with one fewer anchor tenant) to extend Marlee to Yorkdale Mall (and replacing both ramps on the south side of Lawrence at Allen with an extended bus platform for Lawrence West station (given how currently the southbound 109 Ranee bus and the 59 Maple Leaf bus share the same bus bay, creating confusion among commuters, especially when both arrive at the same time (due to idiosyncratic scheduling))).
yes, new Marlee Ave is going to extend from North of Lawrence Square to Yorkdale mall......
new marlee.jpg


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yes, new Marlee Ave is going to extend from North of Lawrence Square to Yorkdale mall......

That plan doesn't show any northward extension of Marlee north of Ranee Ave.; nor do I suspect that is even in the cards. The City would have to expropriate at least 7 properties and/or build the road through Yorkdale Park.
