Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

Most world class cities have alternatives to their overcrowded rapid transit corridors, Toronto simply does not. If the Yonge line was shut down for an hour or two, the city would literally be paralyzed with people being unable to travel anywhere and a simple 15-20 min commute to bloat upwards to an hour or two.
The spadina line?

But seriously, I understand the need for an alternative very well, my point is that we shouldn't ignore the other transit issues of the yonge corridor.
As much as I support DRL long (I really do, the Yonge line is a sh!tshow right now and it opens up possibilities for a new yard), we shouldn't diminish the viability of the YNSE. A corridor that sees 2000 buses travel down it daily is in dire need of relief. It definitely makes more sense from a transit relief perspective than a Sheppard East subway (but not in terms of inducing demand).

But it makes far less sense than plenty of other ideas - including the Waterfront LRT.

I don't actually understand why people are so freaked out about the subway ridership on the Yonge line, most world-class cities have subway lines that have trains completely full, many having to wait for 2-3 trains to go by before getting on. It's not comfortable, yes, but people feel safe. RL should be the main priority, but due to the political nature of the city, I would actually encourage the retrofit of the yonge line with Platform edge doors while DRL, and YN are built to prevent accidental deaths.


The entire justification for the SSE is that they need to get rid of a transfer, it gets crowded and that LRTs aren't good enough.

Maybe someone should tell Scarborough they already have world class transit.

The entire justification for the SSE is that they need to get rid of a transfer, it gets crowded and that LRTs aren't good enough.

Maybe someone should tell Scarborough they already have world class
The RT is being kept on artificial respirators. It needs to be replaced.

RT could have upgraded the trains and had LRT if merged with a 100% grade separated Eglinton line...which both were positively received by Scarborough.

The stubbornness of implementing Miller's vision got us here today. It will be 1 stop subway (Minority Gov or NDP majority) or 3 stops (PC Majority)

I grow tired of the same rants
I grow tired of our money being wasted on frivolous projects.

Yonge riders are supposed to put up with unsafe overcrowding because 'it's how things go in world class cities', but we need to spend billions upon billions on a Scarborough one stop subway...because people have to transfer.

Boo hoo.

If Ford was truly 'for the people' and cared about taxpayer dollars he'd be touting a refit of the current RT.

My original point stands - this line is not necessary right now given all the other needs the system has - the DRL Long being the major priority.

And what about people on the west side of the city? Don't residents in Rexdale 'deserve' transit too?
The RT is being kept on artificial respirators. It needs to be replaced.

RT could have upgraded the trains and had LRT if merged with a 100% grade separated Eglinton line...which both were positively received by Scarborough.

The stubbornness of implementing Miller's vision got us here today. It will be 1 stop subway (Minority Gov or NDP majority) or 3 stops (PC Majority)

I grow tired of the same rants

Tell Vancouver that! They have the very same system and it is a wonderful system. The trains need to be replaced, not the line.
once DRL south and the new signalling system is in place, the capacity projections consistently show that this one can be built. And it's needed. Ridership is very high on this corridor, especially south of Steeles.

Remember that this line is actually projected to have higher ridership pulling into Finch than the DRL will. The DRL is obviously higher priority given it's capacity relief function, but behind DRL south, this is the next subway up in line for priority.

DRL north will have lower ridership and have diminishing returns in terms of capacity relief of the Yonge line the further it goes north. Still needed, but if the capacity is there, this needs to get built.
I grow tired of our money being wasted on frivolous projects.

Yonge riders are supposed to put up with unsafe overcrowding because 'it's how things go in world class cities', but we need to spend billions upon billions on a Scarborough one stop subway...because people have to transfer.

Boo hoo.

If Ford was truly 'for the people' and cared about taxpayer dollars he'd be touting a refit of the current RT.

My original point stands - this line is not necessary right now given all the other needs the system has - the DRL Long being the major priority.

And what about people on the west side of the city? Don't residents in Rexdale 'deserve' transit too?

The LRT 'subway' the PCs will build between Mt Dennis and the airport along Eglinton is the transit north Etobicoke 'deserves'.

Stop forcing this $1.2 billion Finch LRT nonsense that's not needed down everybody's throats!
Tell Vancouver that! They have the very same system and it is a wonderful system. The trains need to be replaced, not the line.
It needs to be replaced because Miller threw the TTC plan to upgrade in the garbage for Transit City.

If you ask me, it should have been Skytrain merged with Eglinton the entire time
unsafe overcrowding because 'it's how things go in world class cities', but we need to spend billions upon billions on a Scarborough one stop subway...because people have to transfer.
Why aren't you blaming Miller and Giambrone for NOT upgrading the RT and NOT taking the province check to start Relief South?

If Ford was truly 'for the people' and cared about taxpayer dollars he'd be touting a refit of the current RT.
Miller threw that plan in the garbage. Ford wanted the LRT merged with Eglinton but council was still tripping on Transit City killed it.

Why aren't you blaming Miller and Council while you're at it?

My original point stands - this line is not necessary right now given all the other needs the system has - the DRL Long being the major priority.
It's needed because the TTC and City Hall NEGLECTED the RT for YEARS. If that didn't happen, we'd be talking extension to Malvern and possibly under Eglinton instead of ridiculous one stop subways.

We have NO CHOICE but to address that line.

And what about people on the west side of the city? Don't residents in Rexdale 'deserve' transit too?
I like the LRT but I question why wasn't service improved incrementally...

Express Branch? Nope
Reserved Lanes? Nope
Express Lanes + Reserved Lanes? Nope
BRT? Nope

But straight to LRT? Yeah....

You like to scream that "conservatives" aren't doing due diligence in transit planning, how's spending over $1.5B on a corridor that we never bother to implement improvements is sound transit planning or sound use of limited funds??? That screams "pet project" to me and it's just as bad as "subways, subways, subways"

I have the 185 Rocket on Don Mills combined with Reseved lanes. Even with the construction at Eglinton, I get to Pape from Sheppard under 30 minutes on average.

Get real...seriously
But it makes far less sense than plenty of other ideas - including the Waterfront LRT.
The entire justification for the SSE is that they need to get rid of a transfer, it gets crowded and that LRTs aren't good enough.
Maybe someone should tell Scarborough they already have world class transit.
Last I checked, I supported Waterfront Transit, and that doesn't mean that I have to support one over the other.

Also, if we're going to talk about priorities, in terms of ridership, Yonge North is far ahead of Waterfront transit.

However, in terms of densification, Waterfront, DRL West, and the crosstown come out on top. It depends on your priorities, that doesn't mean one is inherently better than the other. Having 2000 buses a day travel on one corridor is extremely stupid, that's about 1 bus per minute per direction all day, or at least 2 per minute per direction during peak hours. The number of buses that is displacing from the rest of the system and the amount of money it costs to run those buses is astounding, at least 30K in drivers salaries and 12K dollars in fuel per day, or almost 15 million dollars annually, on just one section of line (this doesn't include ancillary costs like maintenance). Over the course of 30 years, that's 460 million dollars. Doesn't that seem a little wasteful? What about environmental costs?
For the first time in 38 years of having the right to vote, I am choosing the other right that I have (ie. to not vote).
Spoil your vote, or vote for the rhinoceros party.
Spoil your vote, or vote for the rhinoceros party.

Is that from department of redundancy department? ;)

Kidding aside, I made the decision not to vote about a week ago. Since I shared the decision with people (people I am close to and people I chat with on twitter and here) I have been inundated with people telling me how to handle my vote. The vote belongs to me and it is my right to do with it what I choose. It is a right, not an obligation, and with each right to do something comes an equal right to not do it. In fielding the number of "instructions" I have been getting about my vote, I realize that I can proudly say that I have never told anyone what to do with their vote.....and I think less people should have an opinion about what others do with theirs. /rant.
The spadina line?

But seriously, I understand the need for an alternative very well, my point is that we shouldn't ignore the other transit issues of the yonge corridor.
If one goes past St.Clair West in the north, the Spadina line isnt much of an effective alternative to the Yonge line. But trust me, the Yonge corridor isn't being ignored, that's exactly why the design work is already underway. There are plenty of other corridors that are being willfully ignored that need improvements including, but not limited to: the entire Waterfront, Dufferin, and Keele/Weston.
If one goes past St.Clair West in the north, the Spadina line isnt much of an effective alternative to the Yonge line. But trust me, the Yonge corridor isn't being ignored, that's exactly why the design work is already underway. There are plenty of other corridors that are being willfully ignored that need improvements including, but not limited to: the entire Waterfront, Dufferin, and Keele/Weston.
It's not, but from an Etobicoke commuter, it's your best option downtown.
I think it's safe to assume that RLN will be the next spadina subway in terms of ridership; they're about the same distance apart. Since the spadina line currently gets about 170K passengers and the Yonge line currently sees 400K passengers, I think it's safe to assume that the ridership of the Yonge line will reduce by about the same number of passengers, but then again, with RLN, that makes little to no change to the current ridership situation.
Maybe someone should tell Scarborough they already have world class transit.

Scarborough residents having outside polticians telling them whats best has never been in short supply.

Why are you even talking transfer options for this line anyway? No legit party supports it and the debate is long over.
