Developer: Lifetime Developments, Pinedale Properties
Address: 1182 King St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 235 ft / 71.70 mStoreys: 19 storeys
Project Forum 131 posts
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Toronto XO2 Condos | 71.7m | 19s | Lifetime | Turner Fleischer

From the 23rd, including one over the hoarding…


…so they're certainly ready to go if they're not already going.

No new renderings are updated to the database. The only information that changed is the total unit count changed from 404 units to 410 units. Finally, the overall building height changed from 71.80m to 71.70m.
Hey, so, this new crane though obvs not as high as the one across the intersection has this light flashing at the tippy top. White during the day, reddish-orange during the evening. I don't see how this crane, mete metres north of the sister project can somehow be on a flightpath?

