Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

It was the "ornamental" I-beams that led to whatever "Mies the Post-Modernist" mythmaking back when Pomo was all the rage and Philip Johnson was holding his Chippendale on the cover of Time...

That's interesting. So, what's the story there? Can you elaborate a bit?
More that in an era when glass-and-steel Modernism was at its nadir of popularity, details like that were invoked on behalf of the continued "validity" of its exponents. So, Mies strategically went from being an austere Modernist to a crypto-Classicist, and the I-beams came to be like an applied classical order "see? we're not just anonymous boxes that a child of six can do"
The penthouse has been released. The one bedroom Groupis is listed for $360k. Same unit but with 11ft ceilings.

Not a bad price for the 44th floor. I wonder how long it will take them to seel these units.
Some pics my cousin took last night.


Obsessed by style? It should be illegal to print errors that egregious, that large.
^ ^ ^

is it me, or is anyone else confused as to the gender of that model? :confused:

i figure it's probably a male with androgenous facial features and perhaps marketed to the gay men in the neighbourhood;
or it can be viewed as a female and marketed to the less butch lesbians in the area also.
UT is always so entertaining, its no wonder that Canadians have done so well in comedy! All I would say is that ad looks much more like it should be for perfume than a condo... I guess its all about the "lifestyle" though!
Aug 22nd Update

Bigger, and more beautiful

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

From Charles & Bay

