Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

I'm curious as to whether anyone knows if there is any celebration planned for the opening of this building? As of now, the building is set to open in mid-July. What is the normal protocol? Do builders do an open invitation to inaugurate the opening of a condo like this one? What has Great Gulf done in the past? I'm very excited even though I don't get to move in until Feb. 2011. I'm on the 37th floor...
I wonder when (or if) they plan to clad the first floor columns in black? I hope they don't plan on leaving them bare concrete (as happened with Murano) - it will ruin the look of the building.

They will finish the columns in black. A construction worker told me on site.
Thank goodness.

Some recent pics:

From Yonge and Wellesley:



At ground level:


From north of it, and with Couture's drill, for good measure:


I wonder when (or if) they plan to clad the first floor columns in black? I hope they don't plan on leaving them bare concrete (as happened with Murano) - it will ruin the look of the building.

There is a test piece of cladding on one of the columns on the south/west corner of the tower near the town homes. It's black of course and has a textured look to it.
If they are planning on applying a black stucco to these pillars that will really cheapen the look of the building. The only acceptable finish for the columns is black anodized aluminum.
More of the columns

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

If they are planning on applying a black stucco to these pillars that will really cheapen the look of the building. The only acceptable finish for the columns is black anodized aluminum.

that sure looks like black stucco rather than aluminum to me ... thanks for the visual tissot and DT !
that sure looks like black stucco rather than aluminum to me ... thanks for the visual tissot and DT !

If they go with that material it'll be a hell of a job to keep clean and remove tagging from.
What do you guys think of the colour strips scattered up all sides of the building? Kind of different.
I think the coloured strips are rather weak.
You could barely make out the blue and red ones.
There should be more or none at all.

Overall I really like it -- very sleek and handsome looking. Has presence.
The construction elevators came down Tuesday and Wednesday and they're moving like wildfire installing windows and balcony railings in their place. They are up to about the 16th-18th floor already.
