Toronto Women's College Hospital | 70.1m | 10s | P.E.B.

Thanks for the update rdaner.

This is looking more like a WWII cinder block bunker.
Does anyone know is they're demolishing the old building after they finish this one?

I'd rather they demolish this one instead. Does this thing win worst institutional building of the decade award?


Edit: Does anyone else see the resemblance to a suburban mall parking garage?
I was hoping that the hulking concrete shell would be enveloped in something tasteful, but this girl is wearing her schoolmarm outfit.
Does anyone know is they're demolishing the old building after they finish this one?

Yes, then they are building an atrium and a new wing on the site of the existing hospital. see WCH's redevelopment website for updates/renderings. They are roughly 1 year from completion of the first part, then they demolish the old hospital.
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April 25
The concrete has reached the highest point with 2 floor of steel to go on top. Look for the glass windows going in this week, as it setting on the various floors.




Which is ironic since an above ground parking lot is exactly what was there before.

Only different is this is modern, while the other was out dated.

It is not a nice looking building even if it was/is a parking garage. It looks so out of place next to Burano.
I know that some of the equipment and inner wiring of the old hospital may not be 21st century, but most health care is really not dependent on having fibre optic cable and the latest air-filtration technology. Operating rooms and a few intensive care wards can be redone without demolishing the entire bldg. Demolishing the entire hospital seems like such a waste, a symptom of our time and clout of the backers of these projects. What year was the original hospital built? I think they should stop with this new hulk, integrate it into the existing hospital, and use the rest of the money for operating costs and providing outreach/access to underserved women.
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