Developer: Castlepoint Numa
Address: 1871-1885 Weston Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Unspecified), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 565 ft / 172.13 mStoreys: 50 storeys
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Toronto Weston Park Development | 172.13m | 50s | Castlepoint Numa | SvN


This project seems of a class way beyond anything ever seen in the Weston area - transformative even. This gritty area is about to gentrify massively.
It's a pretty exciting proposal, and it will likely spark Metrolinx to get moving on their parking lot next door. The church's replacement facilities in the podium will have a full size gymnasium in addition to that auditorium, so they will have more space to provide local programming for youth through Frontlines. Also, the church building itself will be retained and moved to the corner of the site, and adapted for commercial use...lots of potential there.
From an email newsletter update by Weston Park:

Dear Community Stakeholder,

We are thrilled to announce that we submitted our first Official Plan Amendment (“OPA”) and Zoning By-Law (ZBL) applications to the City of Toronto on Friday October 29, 2021. The purpose of these applications is to confirm the built form and massing, overall approach to the redevelopment of the site, and technical requirements such as civil servicing. In the future we will be submitting a Site Plan Approval (“SPA”) application that will include design details such as material palette, plant species, and specifications for public realm furniture.

Thank you for your participation in this process to date! We received very helpful feedback that has helped inform the project team as we made our initial submission to the City. We especially heard that you are excited to get to the SPA stage where the design details will be confirmed!

The highlights of our proposal include:

  • The creation of a landscaped pedestrian plaza creating an inviting, safe connection between Weston Road and the Weston GO/UP Express station with opportunities for retail spill-out and flexible programming;
  • New state-of-the-art community spaces including a worship sanctuary/performance hall, full sized gymnasium, and additional indoor and outdoor spaces;
  • 538 residential units, anticipated to be a mix of condominium and rental and with over 50% allocated to 2+ bedrooms;
  • The conservation and adaptive reuse of the former bank building at 1885 Weston Road as well as the church building at 1871 Weston Road; and
  • A proposed design of architectural excellence created by SvN Architects and Giannone Petricone Architects working in collaboration.
You can download and review all of the application materials on our project website at

If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this email! We are always happy to hear from you or to assist connecting you with our dedicated community liaison Marilyn McCrea for a telephone call or in-person meeting.

With thanks,

Castlepoint team

Weston Road and Lawrence Avenue West

Castlepoint Numa, in partnership with Weston Park Baptist Church, has just submitted its first application to the city for a 500,000-square-foot mixed-use development at Weston Road and Lawrence Avenue West, close to a Union Pearson Express station. It will have more than 500 residential units.

“We likely won’t do traditional affordable housing on that site,” said Fancello. “What we’re looking to explore further with WoodGreen is affordable workforce housing that’s almost like rent-geared-to-income for professionals who work at the airport or other nearby industries.”

Castlepoint Numa has other development properties in the Weston and Lawrence area.

“When we invest in a neighbourhood, we feel very strongly about going out early and often to the community,” said Fancello. “For us it’s a privilege to work in these neighbourhoods and we really want to ensure as much of a collaborative approach as possible because that’s something that’s important to us.”
New renderings are updated in the database. The total storey count changed from 38 & 28 storeys to 50 & 45 storeys. Total building height changed from 134.95m & 104.50m to 172.13m & 151.28m. The total unit count changed from 538 units to 927 units. Total car parking space changed from 229 parking to 226 parking. 554 bike parking to 939 bike parking

Rendering taken from the architectural plan via Rezoning submission.

PLN - Architectural Plans - DEC 22  2022-1.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - DEC 22  2022-4.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - DEC 22  2022-5.jpg
