Toronto Wellesley on the Park | 194.15m | 60s | Lanterra | KPMB

It seems that every tall building in this city requires a podium to disguise the height of the building to height-averse passersby, heaven forbid the full height of a building reach a sidewalk.

Wind is one of the great hidden destroyers of our urban fabric in my opinion. Very few tall projects have properly addressed this troubling issue. From QQ to Yorkville many developers are erecting buildings that are killing the ground level streetscape. Something tells me Lanterra with their poor track record on Bay Street and the MLS project will only further perpetuate this problem.
Hmmm, there has to be more than we know....they have lost 623 units to get an extra 9 meters of height:confused:

The original proposal for this site was for two residential towers of 9-storey (45 storeys, 146 metres) and 10-storeys (54 storeys, 172 metres) each on an inverted L-shaped base with a total of 1,304 units along Wellesley Street West and St. Luke Lane that connects the two towers. The proposal has now been revised to one 54-storey tower (181 metres) located at the north east corner of the site with 681 units, retail at grade and office in floor 2 and 3.
Dev, thanks for attending! Render looks nice. But it's true that's lIke 61 or 62 plus mech, are they seeking approvals for that many floors or height?
Looks like 60 to me. Height increase? Thats a good thing IMO, I found this a little too short for my liking given its prominence.
Yeah that render looks like a 60 storey tower plus mechanical. Didn't someone mention a couple pages back that the new proposal is now 60 stories? If so, then this will be another 200m+ tower most likely. Very interesting never the less.
Wavy balconies seem to be the new thing, which isn't so bad. The rendering and placement looks fine, and it's an excellent location for height. It's a little sneaky how they've darkened and hidden the circular driveway behind trees for The Bay Club (925 Bay St.) which is not really being honest about the green space, but needed green space it is and that's a good thing.
That wasn't exactly Dev's pic - I tweeted that out from the meeting tonight. You guys really ougtha follow us on twitter, plug plug plug!!!

Yes, Lanterra is going to resubmit the application at 60 storeys. The whole building has been narrowed a bit to make the park even larger, so the 6 new storeys are to make up for the smaller floor plate of course! That's come about from further talks with locals and the councillor's office, and in fact Bruce Kuwabara credited Kristyn Wong-Tam for pushing for "anything but a box" in the first place on this design.

Meanwhile, the balcony detailing has been tweaked more too. There are now two floors of offices in the podium. The community facility that was going to be built over the Opera Place garage entrance in the northwest corner of the site has been dropped, and instead the garage entry will be disguised with a green wall and green roof. I've been insisting that the east wall of Aria's podium at Opera Place be screened with green too.

City Planning is crossing their fingers that the legal work can get done before the end of the summer so that Council can pass this before the go into election mode. A stratified transfer of the surface park area to the City needs to happen before any work can start on the park, some of which could open before the tower is built as the parking garage already exists beneath it.

More images coming next!

