Developer: Townwood Homes, Rosehaven Homes
Address: 2851 Hwy 7, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 2
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 37 storeys
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Vaughan Vincent Condominiums | ?m | 37s | Townwood Homes | Kirkor

What mistake across the street? There's an issue with excessive setbacks at Expo? The real issue here of course is that the highly suburban nature of this area is poorly suited for high density development despite the subway.
What mistake across the street? There's an issue with excessive setbacks at Expo? The real issue here of course is that the highly suburban nature of this area is poorly suited for high density development despite the subway.

I don't know why there's so much setback.

Yeah the streets are too wide as usual, but VMC also has the issue of heavy truck traffic from the surrounding industrial areas.
I just don't think putting the buildings close to 7 does anything to make the area more urban. Definitely very high truck traffic which may improve if Langstaff is extended over the CN yard.

Given what this area is like, I think there may a limit on how urban it can become.

But there's plenty of low hanging fruit left when it comes to urban minded improvements: making the buses more frequent, implementing pedestrian protection such as curb extensions and giving the current bike lanes physical protection.
