Tarion will give you the standard line that you don't own the unit until closing. They will only update you on the closing dates and possibly about causes of delays if they feel inclined. City of Brampton will respond to safety concerns regarding the public. They may respond to inactivity as well as the builder has timelines built into each permit in which they need to complete or risk needing to reapply to extend the permit timelines. Sadly Vandyk is motivated by money and publicity. Negative publicity is the only thing he responds to as well as loss of income. I would recommend contacting the Mayor, MP for the area and as many city inspectors for safety as possible. And of course the Brampton Media and newspapers.
Mayor Patrick Brown
The City of Brampton Mayor, Patrick Brown, was re-elected Mayor of Brampton in October 2022 on a platform of focusing on public safety, investing in our infrastructure, expanding recreation opportunities, and attracting new businesses to our city.
Regional Councilors
Brampton By-Law for Safety
Learn all about the City of Brampton enforcement and By-Law services. Knowing and following our By-Laws helps everyone enjoy a clean, safe neighbourhood and shared public spaces.
Local MP Graham McGregor
Information about MPP Hon. Graham McGregor
Tarion "Closings and Occupancy Delays"
Not sure if McGregor is the local MP for that area.