This is a really good article on the whole complex story.
FWIW, I'm continually impressed how cheap Torontonians seems to be about this. I'm finding it really, really hard to believe that someone not going to Union would all of a sudden go to Union to grab a train for $10 or $5 bucks but not $19 or $27. I think 99% of the folks that say they'd pay $10 but not $19 wouldn't take the train anyway, so lowering it for them is useless.
The real question, in my mind, is 'are there enough YYZ workers that would commute from Union if we lowered the price'. It seems that Toronto wants this train to be for Torontonians for commuting purposes. Do people live at Maple Leaf Square and work at the airport? Would people park at Pearson and commute downtown? If not, who cares what the price point is?