Toronto Union Pearson Express | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | MMM Group Limited

been discussed at was put up around 2010.....the question is when does this happen. They said it was the day one service levels....but they did not define day 1...some people here have indicated it will be post-PanAm games....some (me included) think this should be now(ish) with the completion of the work and think it is a failure in the planning process of this project that they worked for 5 years and spent that much money and did not think to plan for vehicles and crews to put service in place.
... think it is a failure in the planning process of this project that they worked for 5 years and spent that much money and did not think to plan for vehicles and crews to put service in place.
What makes you think there is no plan? The plan may not be public—and really when have GO plans greater than 3–4 months away ever been public—but that doesn't mean there isn't a plan.
What makes you think there is no plan? The plan may not be public—and really when have GO plans greater than 3–4 months away ever been public—but that doesn't mean there isn't a plan.

There clearly was no plan to have service in place at the time the construction work was completed.....that's all I meant.
There clearly was no plan to have service in place at the time the construction work was completed.....that's all I meant.
I'm not sure where you evidence of this is. Construction is still ongoing, but will finish in 2015. The suggestions are that the off-peak service will be restored in 2015.
I'm not sure where you evidence of this is. Construction is still ongoing, but will finish in 2015. The suggestions are that the off-peak service will be restored in 2015.

They have, repeatedly, declared the project complete. Yes there is work going on at stations but all stations are operational and if station work led to reductions in service there would be reductions all over the GO network. The line is, now, at a situation where the previously cancelled trains (either at their old time or at different times) could be restored and the increase to 29 trains a day (if deisired) could be added.....but there are no announced/official plans to do so....only vague promises that it will come.

You are far more confident than I am that there will be substantially improved service on this line in 2015....fair enough. But they clearly did not have a plan to introduce this service at the completion of the necessary work to do so.
some (me included) think this should be now(ish) with the completion of the work and think it is a failure in the planning process of this project that they worked for 5 years and spent that much money and did not think to plan for vehicles and crews to put service in place.

Except the only person who seems to think all the work required to run more trains is complete now(ish) is you. And it simply isn't.

And as soon the line can physically accommodate much more train service per day, I don't think it's automatic that that's the logical instant to stick mid-day GO service out there, even if they could.

We know the first order of business is getting Union Pearson Express off the launchpad. That means getting its entire fleet out there on its native corridor testing this and that, making some more stupid videos, possibly doing a couple weeks of dress rehearsal service (ie a full schedule with empty trains --- I believe that's what Canada Line did), cutting the ribbons, and likely standing pat for a month or two to give it a bit of shakedown time if any late bugs start cropping up. It seems perfectly reasonable to surmise that they'd rather not go through the above process on a corridor while simultaneously there are mid-day GO trains carrying paying passengers in the mix.

If there's no sign of more GO service on its way by the point that process has wrapped up, then I think there's some basis for us to wonder if someone dropped the ball on planning vehicles and crews. But I think it's way too early to be as ragey about this that you've been.
They have, repeatedly, declared the project complete.
They most certainly have not! They've said mostly or substantially complete. And that's for Georgetown South, not for the entire line. The civil works may be complete, and that's what they are primarily communicating with neighbours, but that doesn't mean they are ready to restore service.

Yes there is work going on at stations ...
And at overpasses, and I thought I read here that neither signals nor all the track was finished yet either.

You are far more confident than I am that there will be substantially improved service on this line in 2015....fair enough.
I'm confident they'll do as they say and restore the off-peak service, which will be a substantial improvement over the current service.

But they clearly did not have a plan to introduce this service at the completion of the necessary work to do so.
Again, you have no evidence of this. It's not like they've restored the pre-construction run times yet.

Though even if they do finish construction by end of June to implement in the end of June timetable, given that they are going to need crews elsewhere to provide the Pan-Am services in July and August, surely it's only common sense and good planning to delay implementing service a few more weeks until the end of August timetable.

Though if there's nothing in the August timetable, then would be the time to complain.
They have, repeatedly, declared the project complete.
No, they haven't. We've been over this. They said substantially complete, in the context of the major grade separations.

Yes there is work going on at stations but all stations are operational and if station work led to reductions in service there would be reductions all over the GO network
There's a single track and a single platform functional at each station. There's peak hour service occupying that one track, and then mid-day they can close it for work (hence why there isn't the mid-day service). That's not exactly what you see on the Lakeshore line.

The line is, now, at a situation where the previously cancelled trains (either at their old time or at different times) could be restored and the increase to 29 trains a day (if deisired) could be added
I'm sorry, but this is where you cross from being admirably passionate to just plain ridiculous. I'm not any kind of rail construction expert, but from drum's various rounds of photos and my last chilly stroll on the railpath two weeks ago, even I can see clear as day that it's not ready to go yet. Signals weren't live, there were gaps in the tracks, and so on.

As I said in my previous post, we'll probably know when the line is ready for more train traffic because that's when we'll start seeing DMUs on it all the time.
Except the only person who seems to think all the work required to run more trains is complete now(ish) is you. And it simply isn't.

Well, me and the communications people at GO and Metrolinx who continually, and repeatedly, send out missives (emails, tweets, community updates) declaring the project complete. But sure, me repeating their words makes me some sort of ragey nutcase...think that if you like.

And as soon the line can physically accommodate much more train service per day, I don't think it's automatic that that's the logical instant to stick mid-day GO service out there, even if they could.

No, and I did not say restore mid-day service......I said restore the level of service (number of runs) that were there before...not necessarily at the exact same times (after all, it is pretty clear that the strange schedule they had before was sorta driven by track availability as much as train and crew availability).
For those that think i am putting words in their mouth about what they are saying about the level of completion....have a look at post 5066 in this thread....that is what they are saying.

And if you want a bit of insight into where this sits in the MoT's priority list....take a look at the Patrick Searle tweet on January 5th bragging about the accomplishments in the Minister's first six months on the the bottom of that he shows a list of things to expect in 2015.
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Just to confuse things with looks like this weekend's work window will commission the second track from Parkdale to Nickle. That gives two tracks as far west as Nickle, and from Wice west to Halwest. Intermediate signals appear to have been turned on this far, for these tracks. I don't know if the current track alignment from Parkdale eastwards is the final one for these two tracks, however. The rest of the second track, and the third track, is clearly getting close to completion, and likely all the larger track shifts are finished. Personally, I would not bet on April 1... but I would bet on June 1.

Once that is done, the biggest constraint to added GO service is the single-island station platform at Etobicoke North. Both eastward and westward trains will have to use the same track at this location, IF (I'm presuming nothing) this station will get the same service level as the rest. I'm still from Missouri on whether it will be possible to interleave GO and UPX reliably enough for GO to encroach on the two tracks UPX will require. (But I'm happy to be proved wrong). Worst case - GO will have two tracks from Bramalea to Wice, and one track from Wice to Strachan. That's enough for a meaningful two-way service, but maybe not hourly on the hour.

As noted, getting UPX launched and running reliably will be enough of a challenge for the first month or two. I can live with GO resting on its oars for that time. It will certainly be nauseating watching the politicians and Metrolinx waxing poetic about the whole thing, likely ahead of the actual new schedule taking effect.

- Paul

You have been told the schedule for the various improvements, and why it is in place. If you choose to ignore it - which you seem to be doing - you do so at the risk of making yourself appear like a petulant brat.

Toronto, Ont.
From Metrolinx today.

UP Express Intensifies Testing for Launch in Spring 2015
We are very excited to enter the final phases of operational testing as we prepare for the upcoming launch of UP Express this spring.

Over the next several weeks, you will be seeing the UP Express trains in a variety of scenarios as they undergo intensive testing to ensure we are running at peak performance and staff are fully trained prior to launch.This final schedule of testing signals a major step towards welcoming our first passengers in the coming months. UP Express is on schedule for a spring 2015 start. The official date for the start of service will be announced after the successful completion of this important testing phase.

Starting Monday February 23, 2015 people may see the UP Express trains along the route from Union to Pearson and on various GO corridors, undertaking a wide variety of tests. Some of the testing will be done off hours and late at night so as not to interfere in regular rail service. All efforts have been taken to minimize disruption.

The testing will focus on four key areas:
• Vehicle Operational trials: These are “End-to-End” tests with one or two trains moving from Pearson to Union and on to Scarborough on the Lakeshore East GO line. Trains may stop for a period of time along the guide way for braking and speed tests; there will also be simulation testing of switches and signal failures. During this phase there will be intermittent bells as the train approaches the stations.
• Emergency Procedures and Service Recovery tests: These types of tests include specific emergency scenarios to exercise the co-ordination and communications among various parties. These tests will include scenarios such as a disabled train on the elevated spur requiring evacuation, medical emergencies on board vehicles and at stations, and malfunctions of the Platform Screen Door system (PSD).
• Experiential/Procedural tests: These tests may/may not involve trains and are designed for building staff experience and familiarization with various guest situations and procedures. Staff will be engaged in skills demonstration for ticketing processes, opening and closing of the stations and other guest related services.
• Simulated Revenue Service Trials: This testing will simulate the actual service with a fleet of trains running “end to end” in 15 minute intervals from Pearson to Union Station and back. The trains will pull into each station, open and close the doors and depart. Staff will be performing on-the-job training at each of the stations. Normal operational noise levels can be expected during these trials, including train bells and whistles as required by operating rules.
UPX trains are being tested to travel on the Lakeshore East line Scarborough? Does this have to do with the construction of a maintenance/storage facility, or are they testing out the possibility of revenue service in the future (once the line becomes un-viable following the Pan-Am games).
UPX trains are being tested to travel on the Lakeshore East line Scarborough? Does this have to do with the construction of a maintenance/storage facility, or are they testing out the possibility of revenue service in the future (once the line becomes un-viable following the Pan-Am games).

The UPX trains are high-level and the LSE has low-level platforms. We'll have a long warning in advance of any revenue DMU service on LSE given the need to build high-level platforms.

Maybe they're out there because it's a line with multiple tracks operational at full speed, which won't be the case on the Kitchener corridor for at least a couple months.
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