Toronto Union Pearson Express | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | MMM Group Limited

I wouldn't disagree that some structures should be demolished for the benefit of the greater good. Though the crossways is a fairly sizable building and I'm sure that connection can be made without having to resort to such. What I really took issue with, was the suggestion that countless buildings in Mississauga & Brampton are essentially worthless just because they don't appeal to someone aesthetically.

especially as it relates to this barely goes thru Mississauga and the parts of Brampton it goes thru are either job producing industrial lands or the central old town or the award winning Mt Pleasant mobility hub.....sure, come up to Heart Lake and take offense to my house, if you like, but it has no bearing on a transit discussion.
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Look at the leftmost railroad, it uses concrete sleeper ties! Is that the UPX rail? How much of the route use concrete ties, between Union to Pearson? This type of sleeper tie can sustains higher speeds (200kph+ during straightways) than most of Metrolinxs' other tracks. Is this a hint of GO RER to come? Is this the specific track tomorrow's HSR will share, too? Either way, this will be interesting to see how this type of high speed capable track takes over Metrolinx's networks.

It's been mentioned earlier in the thread that they're using concrete in the tunnel as it is a very restricted space, and so it's much harder to maintain ties down there. They're concrete so they last longer between maintenance. I don't think that it followed that they would necessarily be using concrete on the rest of the line.
Look at the leftmost railroad, it uses concrete sleeper ties! Is that the UPX rail? How much of the route use concrete ties, between Union to Pearson? This type of sleeper tie can sustains higher speeds (200kph+ during straightways) than most of Metrolinxs' other tracks. Is this a hint of GO RER to come? Is this the specific track tomorrow's HSR will share, too? Either way, this will be interesting to see how this type of high speed capable track takes over Metrolinx's networks.

Perhaps this is the kind of meanspiritedness that gets me kicked out of foamer summer camp, but I am continually amused by the concrete tie fan club. ;)

The corridor doesn't have Cadillac UP-only tracks and Chevy GO-only tracks. All tracks are linked by crossovers and shareable by all trains, although there will presumably be a default dispatch pattern that sees more of one type of train on certain tracks versus others. From previous photos, we've seen all tracks in the tunnel have concrete ties, it's just that the leftmost track isn't ballasted yet so the ties are more visible in that video. Further south, from, say, the Jane bridge, you can see all tracks have wood ties. As Markster says, we've heard (via drum?) that the rationale was to reduce future maintenance requirements for a confined space.
The corridor doesn't have Cadillac UP-only tracks and Chevy GO-only tracks. All tracks are linked by crossovers and shareable by all trains
I'm quite aware of that, and have often posted as such (e.g. my opinion that UPX works benefits the future SmartTrack)

But thanks for clarifying that the concrete ties are limited to the tunnel!
Dec 15 Weston 2nd train.

Thanks to TTC, miss the first train by 3 minutes. You can hear the whim of the engine as it starts it climb to the top. 4 other videos on line. The camera I use for video decided to die as I was setting up. More to follow
Second, the gap between what has been built and what is needed for 2WAD is huge.

- Paul

If by 2WAD you mean the projected 15 minute service levels, I'd agree with you. To a point.

If you mean hourly or even half-hourly service, than I completely disagree.

The amount of track that has been installed up to now was done so by GO/MTO/Metrolinx with the design, expectation - and dare I say, blessing - of CN that it will allow some form of regularly-scheduled headway-based service to be run up to Mount Pleasant. That has always been the intention, and CN knows that it's going to happen eventually. (That it hasn't yet I suspect is causing no end to the sighs of relief at Mac Yard, although I suspect - or at least hope - that they realize that the end of that is near.)

Hell, they could in theory run 15 minute service to Bramalea, as there is enough track to allow it with virtually no interference to CN's own freights.

No....what I am looking for is "in X month of 2015 expect us to add X number of additional trains to your corridor".....what we get is "crickets, crickets"

Those documents exist, but only at the internal level. They know, barring any outside interference, when they are going to be adding trains 15 months in advance.

So, why not make that information public, sooner?

Part of it is that, as others have pointed out, the politicos want to take the credit for announcement, which means running it past several different ministries and making sure that everyone's schedules co-operate.

But part of it is the inevitable questioning that will occur from the public. Why can't this be done sooner? Why wasn't it done already? Why is this line getting these improvements, when mine gets none? Besides the April launch of UPX and the September launch of the additional services to Mount Pleasant, I know that there are 2 more projected service improvements on the rail side in June and next January, and 2 major revamps of bus service planned for throughout the year. But because they are so far out in the distance, I don't know precisely what form those improvements will take just yet, and frankly I don't want to give too much detail because there are going to be all sorts of questions here about "why there?" "why not sooner? that I can't answer, much as has already been happening.

Plus, the last thing I want to do is give out too much information for fear of outting my contact at head office. They don't need that headache, or worse.

Toronto, Ont.
Dec 15
Mods check how video is displaying as noted below.

Here is 607 with Happy Holiday using the tunnel in daylight.

When they shift the track, they removed the crossing for the contractor who has no access to the north work area now. My understanding from my last visit that there would be a ramp there after the move. Since the move only took place, it could be a day or so for the crossing is put in. If not, the contractor only now has a small window to do the work between 10 am to 3:30 pm by removing the walkway bridge between the platform. At the same time, the contractor only has one way in and out which is currently block by the sump pump truck pouring concrete for the existing rebuilt platform now the melting system is in place.

If Metrolinx had push track 3 into the station as plan, they would had made thing worse for the contractor to do work on both platforms and glad someone was on the ball not allowing this to happen.

Railing has been install for the UPX platform deck and ramp, but the bottom connection to the wall is about a foot away from the current wall. Looks like a change was made to the ramp area, but the handrail people didn't get the change order for it or the designer was not on the ball.

Heaters have been added to a few shelters which is funny as not all the glazing is in place nor any doors on them.

The roof is taking a long time compare it was ready before Bloor with Bloor having it on now. It could be the same contractor doing both with Metrolinx pushing Bloor to be finish first considering Bloor will not open this month as plan and more like late Jan or Feb at this point.

Both track 3 & 4 are up to the middle of the Lawrence Bridge with work still taking place on track 3 to get it ready for the next move. 4 will follow later as still missing the guard rail.

First time to any stations on the line to see trains arrived in the AM and noticed no one got off the first train, a couple on the 2nd train, over 20 on the 3 & 4 train and only a few on the last ones except the last one as I wasn't there for it. Ridership was high getting on trains 3 & 4 and light for the others.

More to follow






<span style="font-size: 12.8000001907349px;">[video=youtube_share;8bKAYSBkqCw][/video]
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If by 2WAD you mean the projected 15 minute service levels, I'd agree with you. To a point.

If you mean hourly or even half-hourly service, than I completely disagree. (snip)

Hell, they could in theory run 15 minute service to Bramalea, as there is enough track to allow it with virtually no interference to CN's own freights.

Hourly GO service on the existing build is quite doable, since there is room for GO to meet GO west of Wice, where UPX diverges. It's still tight - on the existing timing, it's around 30 minutes from Wice to Union, so alternating in-and-out runs on a single track is a bit tight.

I am skeptical whether intermingling GO and UPX will prove doable in both directions with UPX running on a 15 minute or less headway...Somebody will have to cross over someone else's path at Wice, where the two routes diverge, which will throw red signals in someone's path. That, plus the need to hit the slots very reliably, will be challenging. But I'm eager to be amazed!

On closer reading, the announcement has a rather interesting limiting clause:

"And GO Transit can begin preparing to ramp up future service to meet the 15-minute two-way, all-day regional express rail service on the lines it owns over the next 10 years. (bolding is my edit)"

In other words, no commitment for 15-minute 2WAD west of Bramalea. I wonder if people in Guelph or Kitchener appreciate that nuance when they read the promises that are being thrown their way.

Asking for a precise month by month plan may not be realistic....but it's clear that there are some specific "dealbreaker" capital projects required before certain of the "promises" are possible. Off the top of my head, the fourth track under the 401, the third (and fourth?) track through Brampton, and the third track through Credit/Georgetown, and possibly a flyover to get GO/VIA on the north, are all limiting factors to some aspects of the 10-yuear plan. None of these will happen in a short timespan...each is a several year project. It is quite realistic for Metrolinx to be put on record about the "can't do X without Y" logic for these promises....then we can keep everyone honest when they start to wax poetic.

Metrolinx would be unwise to cross their political masters, but any staff function in government has the obligation to remain objective and, at times, to tell their masters the painful truths. I continue to believe that the promises and the realities are too far apart.

PS: I just celebrated my 60th birthday. It's a new experience to be discussing ideas on things that may be beyond my lifetime....sure puts a different slant on the discussion!

- Paul
Hourly GO service on the existing build is quite doable, since there is room for GO to meet GO west of Wice, where UPX diverges. It's still tight - on the existing timing, it's around 30 minutes from Wice to Union, so alternating in-and-out runs on a single track is a bit tight.

I am skeptical whether intermingling GO and UPX will prove doable in both directions with UPX running on a 15 minute or less headway...Somebody will have to cross over someone else's path at Wice, where the two routes diverge, which will throw red signals in someone's path. That, plus the need to hit the slots very reliably, will be challenging. But I'm eager to be amazed!

On closer reading, the announcement has a rather interesting limiting clause:

"And GO Transit can begin preparing to ramp up future service to meet the 15-minute two-way, all-day regional express rail service on the lines it owns over the next 10 years. (bolding is my edit)"

In other words, no commitment for 15-minute 2WAD west of Bramalea. I wonder if people in Guelph or Kitchener appreciate that nuance when they read the promises that are being thrown their way.

Asking for a precise month by month plan may not be realistic....but it's clear that there are some specific "dealbreaker" capital projects required before certain of the "promises" are possible. Off the top of my head, the fourth track under the 401, the third (and fourth?) track through Brampton, and the third track through Credit/Georgetown, and possibly a flyover to get GO/VIA on the north, are all limiting factors to some aspects of the 10-yuear plan. None of these will happen in a short timespan...each is a several year project. It is quite realistic for Metrolinx to be put on record about the "can't do X without Y" logic for these promises....then we can keep everyone honest when they start to wax poetic.

Metrolinx would be unwise to cross their political masters, but any staff function in government has the obligation to remain objective and, at times, to tell their masters the painful truths. I continue to believe that the promises and the realities are too far apart.

PS: I just celebrated my 60th birthday. It's a new experience to be discussing ideas on things that may be beyond my lifetime....sure puts a different slant on the discussion!

- Paul

There does seem a lot to be done prior to 15 minute service.....of all of that the hardest might be acquiring the part of the corridor that they don't own. (important because ML seem to be looking at Mt. Pleasant, not Bramalea, as where the local and express services will meet).

That said, all I was looking for, at this time, was an answer from GO/ML/my MPP what the timing was of the slightly increased service that was promised once the GTS project was complete. Since ML declared it substantially complete yesterday, I do not think it at all unreasonable for those in the know/in power to now tell us what is next and when.

The new promise/goal of 15 minute service should not mask/hide/limit the scope of the promise they made as they dangled improved service post GTS when cancelling trains that existed prior to GTS. What we have now is a provincial treasury that is $1.2B lighter in the pocket and is actually running less trains than they were before they spent the money ;)
There does seem a lot to be done prior to 15 minute service.....of all of that the hardest might be acquiring the part of the corridor that they don't own. (important because ML seem to be looking at Mt. Pleasant, not Bramalea, as where the local and express services will meet).
My curiousity is SmartTrack routing versus original GO RER routing. All of them are 15-minute service initiatives over the GSC. They are NOT going to run UPX+SmartTrack+GO RER all at 15 minutes simultaneously. SmartTrack is essentially a defacto GO RER but it isn't currently planned to even as far as Bramalea, even less Mt. Pleasant.

Some merging or segmenting of services is going to have to happen, or cancel the Eglington section of SmartTrack -- and simply run SmartTrack to Mt Pleasant. (In fact, that would probably even be cheaper than tunneling under Eglington)

Early 2015, with the brainstorming of the service plan, will be very interesting.
^the very first thing I asked when Tory came out with ST as a campaign promise was if there is enough room for all 3 of these services (plus the others that use the corridor).
Dec 15
Looking north off the Roger Rd Bridge you can see all 4 tracks north of Black Creek Dr with track 1 & 2 bending to the east.

If you follow tracks 1-3 south of Black Creek Dr and look at the south side of Rodger Rd, you will see track 1 going into CP Mactier Sub while track 2 becomes track 1 and track 3 becoming 2.

In time, a switch will be cut into track 1 at Black Creek to connect to the track 2 that is track 1 south of Rogers Rd.

The Old Weston Rd and Junction connection doesn't look like it did before this project started. The RR crossing flashing lights are gone from where they were and now located at CP tracks. This is new as that wasn't the plan that I last saw. Also, the connection is a T intersection with a northbound stop sign and again something different than last saw and told what was plan. There is "NO" south/west sidewalk in this new connection considering there was to be sidewalks on both sides.

Crews are insulating the building beside the new tunnel that will see a new brick wall to replace the one that had to come down.

You can see track 3 in the tunnel and not ready for ballast yet.

Traffic was none existing using the new crossing and those who did going north ran the stop sign.

The only way you are going to take the smart track west of the corridor is to go underground the existing area as well tear haft the building down to do so as there is no room in the corridor to get a tunnel down under the Crosstown line. This will become a dead idea in the end. Rest of the Smart Track will become REX.

As a note, the cement silos on Junction Rd are been torn down and another piece of Toronto past will be history.

More to Follow and a lot of photos up on site with more to come.








