Toronto Union Park | 303.26m | 58s | Oxford Properties | Pelli Clarke Pelli

Yeah, dear DRP, please scathe it!

Feh. The top of these towers are really weak.

Feh. The top of these towers are really weak.


Really?? We have very few towers with ornamental tops. I think they are a much needed addition and would be very welcome. better than all the flat tops out there that we normally get.
But also your opinion is yours, we can't all agree every time.
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Interested in some examples of a "strong" top. These certainly aren't boring by any means...are people hoping for spires?
Haha, a 3 acre Rail Deck park. 800 residential rental units, + 3.3 million of office space, plus 200,000 square feet of retail space
planned for this derelict part of Front Street
...gee there sure must be something that appeals to you here...

Nobody is arguing that those are bad things. He is asking what you like about the way they designed those features, not looking for a description of the project's features.

In other words, yes, the development is strong on program in the sense that it features rentals, office space, and park space. But the program deserves a better architectural expression. Also, why would you ever see a proposal and go "Let's just take it as is." Even developers don't expect you to do that. It's a negotiation, and the city and public should always ask for more. In my opinion, to disagree is to be a developer shill.
To me, because of the curves, these look like a couple of sheets flapping in the wind. I want something that looks like it's resisting the wind, cutting into the sky, so to speak. The geometric tops of the CIBC Square towers look like they are accomplishing that effect.

These towers actually are resisting the wind, so I prefer that they looked like they were. That would be bolder, and actually impressive.

