I am a bit fashionably late to this party (with apologies), but here are some quick quips:
I do not mind the office tower designs. I think they present some dynamism and animation, without going over the top. With the right attention to detail and materials, they will look better than most of the towers we have seen built here in the last 10 years (yes, yes...that is not saying a lot).
The residential towers also appear to be decent designs but even more than the office towers, the devil will be in the details and materials used. The 'cheapening' will be most apparent here, if it occurs.
What I do not like, is the podium and the way the structure meets the street, particularly Front. The podium appears to have little relation to the towers above, and as someone noted, seems like an exercise in maximising the building envelope. Worse, the podium appears to present nothing at street level but large empty envelops of glass structures, looking into lobbies. This area deserves more street animation, detail and reasons to linger (a few restaurants would help). The surrounding buildings do such a terrible job at street animation (the convention centre, condo buildings with tiny low ceiling retail) that the site should be more than just lobby doors and glass.