Developer: University of Toronto
Architect: Diamond Schmitt Architects, Mathers and Haldenby
Address: St. George St. & Harbord St., Toronto
Category: Institutional (Education)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto U of T: Robarts Library Renovations & Robarts Common | ?m | ?s | U of T | Diamond Schmitt

...on the other hand, it does look and feel like it was done on a budget. The green glass is telling.

So the moral of this story is that no matter how fanciful the design it is, it still won't look that hot when the materials are valued engineered. Thumbs down for me on this one.
With this and Manulife, Brutalism in this city can't catch a break.
You know if they used board formed techniques on the back as opposed to that cheap looking pre-fab crap they've got there now and higher quality glass that isn't value engineered green, I suspect very few of us would be complaining about this.
