Developer: University of Toronto
Architect: Montgomery Sisam Architects, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Address: 55 St. George Street, Toronto
Category: Institutional (Education)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 8 storeys
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Toronto U of T: Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship | ?m | 8s | U of T | Montgomery Sisam


Thank you for posting - not sure what to make of the rendering, other than a building with a Gardiner Museum like street level presence and some sort of glass/opaque tower with a set back.

"Personally not a fan of U of T's faculty of engineering"

I'm an alumni so I'm bias but I'm not sure what you mean? Are you refering to the physical spaces? Some of the spaces are excellent and some are terrible. It's a mixed bag just as the array of subject matter being studied is. I always enjoyed the hodge-podge aspect of the campus where at one moment you could be sitting in a 100 year old classroom with old wood benches, another in a modernist barrack, another in a contemporary light-filled atrium, or you could suddenly round a corner and be confronted with a cavernous multi-storey laboratory of archaic machinery or industrial equipment.
Location is here (,+Toronto,+Ontario+M5S+1A1&t=h&z=20), right behind Convocation Hall.

Nice to see another parking lot gone. What I really hope to happen in the near future is the replacement of the part of the Medical Sciences Building facing King's College Road. Nowhere as interesting as the main part of the Medical Building and a terrible street presence.

Agreed! Actually, I think that every time I walk by. From the exterior, it looks like it would be fairly simple to do while keeping the rest of the building intact.
Although, the interiors of the third floor in this section were fairly recently renovated, so I doubt anything will happen in the near future.
Damn! I have a lot of great memories from my student days of that parking lot. Parking, going to class, driving away.
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 55 ST GEORGE ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 13 236424 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Sep 16, 2013

Project: Non-Residential Building New Building

Description: To construct a new 7 storey building (17000 m2)serving as a faculty for engineering for UofT.
Limestone cladding - very nice
I like the fact that it's not all glass and steel. Looks very much in keeping with the surrounding engineering buildings.
Large class rooms are required for first-year general courses. By 3rd and 4th year engineering at U of T I was taking courses where there were less than 25 people. Can't sleep in class because you are hung over in a class of 20 people ;)
