Active Member
it may have some hope if a few fashion stores move in, the yorkville fashion district should go a bit south to wellesley anyway.
"Ground floor retail" has gone from a decent idea to an unhealthy fixation, especially in these parts. As Unimaginative says, not every street is destined to be a retail strip. Look at the waterfront. Townhomes are a perfectly valid way of meeting the street. So is a coffee social, hot dog roast, speed-dating session, or walk in the park. It doesn't have to be dry cleaners every time.
I think Bay Street's main problem is the proximity to Yonge Street. ... This is why Bay will be strictly utilitarian and local (convenience stores, video rental and the like) for a long time, if not forever.
As a Bay St. corridor dweller I can tell you that Bay offers one thing: easy pedestrian access (super wide sidewalks) to bypass Yonge's crowds or quick punch up to Bloor or Yorkville.
I but why can't it be lined with markets, cafes, bakeries and other things that would be appropriate for a primarily residential neighbourhood?