Developer: Streetcar Developments, Dream Unlimited
Architect: TACT Architecture
Address: 2 Gladstone Ave., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2011
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 8 storeys
Project Forum 184 posts
Real Estate Forum 21 posts
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Toronto Two Gladstone | ?m | 8s | Streetcar | TACT Architecture

attention "MetroMan" how did you save a picture from "live maps"?
i've been trying now for a while but can't figure out how. I noticed you have a picture on this site from "live maps" how did you pull it off?
attention kram74 he probably just took a screenshot

MetroMan hasn't even posted in this thread!

Oops, I see it now. Yeah, looks like a screenshot.
Uh yeah Grey, it was MetroMan...

Sorry to burst your bubble. Neither Live Maps nor Google Maps have a capture feature. I just did a quick screen crop capture of the the page on Safari and uploaded it to ImageShack. :rolleyes:
Here's a snippet from an article on Posted Toronto yesterday

Some of Toronto’s established condo developers didn’t see these kind of numbers coming.
“I’m very surprised by them,” said Les Mallins, founder of Streetcar Developments, which has many developments in Toronto’s east end.
“We had a fantastic first quarter, but from talking to other developers and agents we didn’t think it would come in strong overall.”
Mr. Mallins said he was especially surprised the results didn’t seem to be affected by the city’s new Land Transfer Tax, which began on Dec. 1.
“My sense is that the second quarter will not show this continued strength,” he said, but added the Urbanation report will make him reconsider the scale of project at Queen and Gladstone in the west end.
Mr. Mallins said Streetcar is planning a 40 to 45 unit building there, but they are considering a joint venture with Context Development, which built the condos in the old Tip Top building, and owns the land behind them on Queen West.
“We’re putting our feelers out,” he said. “This suggests we should go for the bigger project, if you look at the numbers in isolation.”
So Catcher (ye of the massive drive-by today) (thank you), what are you doing holed up in the Gladstone's swanky tower?

Looks like this project is dead as for lease signs are up on the various building now and no one home.
/\ I like the idea of offices but I don't think a GO stop would work here - it's too close to the Bloor stop just up the line at Dundas. I could be wrong though.
