Toronto Tower at Pier 27 | 114.9m | 35s | Cityzen | a—A

I have just attached the Real Estate thread to the Tower at Pier 27 database file, so the link at the top of the page is now live… and the recent posts re: suite finishes have been moved to that thread.

It's not bad per say but what bothers me is that the design language is completely different from the rest of the Pier condos.

This is especially evident in the second pic below. The balcony design is completely different, the podium height of Pier 27 is lower compared to the adjacent building and the ground level again, it's completely different.

It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so close together but it's a missed opportunity to make the tower an extension of the other two buildings.

It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so close together but it's a missed opportunity to make the tower an extension of the other two buildings.

Yes, it looks as though they thought they were building on two or three totally empty sites - all the buildings are 'acceptable' (if not too exciting) but they really do not fit together well. Some of the recent shots (esp. the one from @Jasonzed immediately above yours) show how close the south side of the tower podium is to the north side of the lakeside building. Certainly feel sorry for those who bought there!
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I prefer this second phase to look totally different from the previous phases. IMO, it doesn't go far enough. It's looking more cheap than different.

I'm still not entirely sold on the podium. That may have more to do with cladding. I'm liking the simplicity with the complex tower rising above a lot more than I thought I would.
