Toronto Toronto Island Park Master Plan | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

Isn't the airport closed right now except for helicopters? There is a big X on the runway... but maybe that is for the secondary runway.
Looks like the secondary east/west runway is closed - Porter aircraft parked on it maybe?

J2422/21 NOTAMR J1340/21 Q) CZYZ/QMRLC/IV/NBO/A/000/999/4338N07924W005 A) CYTZ B) 2106031114 C) 2107191945 EST E) RWY 06/24 CLSD. CREATED: 03 Jun 2021 11:14:00
What bus? You seem to have this idea that the airport would be allowed to have people board a bus that levas the airport and transports them to an unsecured location. It's an absurd idea that wouldn't be allowed unless the federal government allowed it as they have athorety over all airports.
Other traffic drives through the airport. Buses drive around major airports to load flights. Not seeing the issue here.
Driving a streetcar tunnel rather than a pedestrian one under the Eastern Western Gap to the airport terminal, then continuing under the runway, could have met both objectives. But that would have been unacceptable to councillors who would normally consider themselves pro-transit.
Having a seasonal route/partnership with the Halton County Radial Railway Museum and running older TTC streetcars from Union along Queens Quay and around the island instead of the tractor tram would be awesome.
Ther is a difrence betwe
Other traffic drives through the airport. Buses drive around major airports to load flights. Not seeing the issue here.people A bus that takes people to parts of the airport through a secured area and one that would transport pooe from a secured area to an unsacure one are completly diffrent. A bus from the isalnd airport to the rest of the island isn't going to happen. The island airport has to remain as apertet secure ara from the rest of the isalnd becuse it's an airport, Ther is no space around the island airpor for a bus to go fr5om the airport to the rest of the island.

The waterfront streetcar will have a loop at Polson. Extending the streetcar a little bit further makes a tunnel at the eastern edge of the islands a more realistic option. Even extending the streetcar to have a loop under the island would be within reason.

The waterfront streetcar will have a loop at Polson. Extending the streetcar a little bit further makes a tunnel at the eastern edge of the islands a more realistic option. Even extending the streetcar to have a loop under the island would be within reason.

Lots of engineering challenges (nevermind legal ones) - you'd need two new LRT bridges (one for the Shipping Channel and the other for the Eastern gap) both of which will either have to be tall enough to handle cargo ships passing under, or be able to open up for them) for starters.

Toronto should just build a bridge by the airport for people to access the islands period. That is the shortest distance to cross and if there are any ships larger, then they have go to the other side to enter, that is where the ship channel is anyways. Wether we want light rail on there or not that is another discussion for sure. And yes you would have to probably expand the airport site to accomodate pedestrian traffic and vehicles but lets push for it. If i am downtown and want to get over to the islands for like a 1/2hr I should not have to take a water taxi or ferry and pay $10 to go for a bike ride or walk, its silly. And who cares what 600 residential residents have to say there is 7 million other people in the GTA who think otherwise.
Having a seasonal route/partnership with the Halton County Radial Railway Museum and running older TTC streetcars from Union along Queens Quay and around the island instead of the tractor tram would be awesome.
Dream on! We cannot build new streetcar track let alone add more to the island and get the older historic cars up to being able to operate on it. There is a Fantasy Thread, use it :->
Dream on! We cannot build new streetcar track let alone add more to the island and get the older historic cars up to being able to operate on it. There is a Fantasy Thread, use it :->

Do I have to put my idea about extending the Centreville Miniature Train to the mainland, with its own Union Station interchange there too?


Credit: Ariel Villanueva
Dream on! We cannot build new streetcar track let alone add more to the island and get the older historic cars up to being able to operate on it. There is a Fantasy Thread, use it :->
why are you so hostile?
why are you so hostile?
You are new around here but I can assure you that did not intend to be hostile. I simply said that the idea of extending the streetcar network to the Island is fantasy and thus best discussed in that thread. Of course, fantasies sometimes come true but usually not for MANY decades.
Dream on! We cannot build new streetcar track let alone add more to the island and get the older historic cars up to being able to operate on it. There is a Fantasy Thread, use it :->

If we want to dream, they can finally build the Bathurst Bridge with a streetcar track as well, and run a service from Bathurst Station, through the Island, and then up Cherry to Broadview station! :)

We laugh, but it would actually make the Island much more accessible and usable.
