Toronto The Yorkville Condominiums | 104.54m | 31s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

It "feels" out of the way, given its location not far from a subway.

Anyway, thanks for the update. The glazing isn't the best, but the vertical motif is pleasing and minimizes the effect of the spandrel, etc. I am very much looking forward to this one as it progresses.
Though the fins do not appear like the shiney polished copper in the renderings, which would have been really stunning, the rusted corten- or brick-like appearance is still nice. It gives it a little more warmth and colour which is well needed.
I thought the glazing on the non-finned portions of the tower will be a lighter in colour and cleaner looking?
It may be too soon to say, but I have a feeling that the actual building will look much different than the renderings.
"It's kind of out of the way." Incorrect. It's 97 seconds from the Bay Subway entrance.

It doesn't matter how close it is to the subway unless it's on a thoroughfare that people actually walk. Nobody walks along Davenport. Most people do indeed have to go out of their way to find this project.
Looks great! I also love how the podium matches the scale and lines of the building next to it. Very cohesive street wall.
Yeah, I love the cohesive street wall, and the rusty hue and textural diversity is such a breath of fresh air in this time of glass monotony. I really hope more buildings start taking this sort of approach.

I had also been wondering why no one seems to care about this development. It’s one of the most exciting ones to me due to the aforementioned qualities.
March 07
Lot more up on site







Thanks for the shots Drum!

I think I'm in love with this building! It's the colour variation and the different shapes that will slightly protrude that will make this condo stand out from the rest.
Thanks for the shots Drum!

Lot more to come Since I found a day to do some shooting as well not been bitter cold. Being a sunny day sure help, but not good for long distance shots. Shot 27 project that day and will try to post them, otherwise up on site.
