Toronto The Yards | 132.8m | 40s | TAS | Giannone Petricone

IMO, I think a road is a 'nice to have' sort of thing- I still think a connection is necessary in psychologically creating a connection and avoiding a 'back-of-house' situation along the rail line, but a wide pedestrian promenade/bike path should be enough IMO.
Does anyone have an update on this project? I'm very interested and would love to see something like the current plans in place over the next 3 or 4 years.
I'm asking because I have a genuine interest in the subject matter. I can't speak for why others ask...
As one genuinely interested person to another: It's because the way the mechanics work around here is that threads are bumped when there is new information available, given by a poster or one of the admins on the respective project. Up until that point, it remains dormant because your guesses is as good as ours. You are feel free to look the respective thread quietly to glean off whatever info has been made available. But until such point, please don't bump threads unnecessarily...unless you have new information yourself. Thank you. And hope this helps.
TAS partnering with the Bowery Project to develop the community gardens on the site:

Why did they change the tall red brick slab building into what we see in this rendering which looks white now bummer !
I like that red/orange obelisk too (well...that's what it looked like to me)...but I'm not sure that it was sitting well with council. I think current version has a lot more going for it both in the conventional and unconventional. And that's a good thing, IMO.
I like that red/orange obelisk too (well...that's what it looked like to me)...but I'm not sure that it was sitting well with council. I think current version has a lot more going for it both in the conventional and unconventional. And that's a good thing, IMO.
I agree with this- the original designs were more striking, but at a glance, I do like that the new design creates more defined urban blocks- some of the spaces could be quite intimate.
It's worth noting that unless TAS has secretly partnered with the city on the Wellington Destructor redevelopment, the middle third of that image is 100% speculative. The sawtooth-greenhouse looking building in the foreground is not a part of this proposal.
That's a shame. And terribly misleading. Yet more evidence suggesting one should never take a render at face value.
