Niagara Falls The Stanley District | ?m | 22s | La Pue International | ACK

Now it's been a year sinc the site remained untouched (Taken on August 28th, 2022)
That's an old photo. The hole was there when I drove by it a couple weeks ago. I thought I saw some machinery in there, but could be wrong
Did Niagara undergo some kind of demolition derby back in the 60's? So many vacant sites...

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At Least they were successful into digging a hole 😂.
This was a scam from the Beginning.
So easy to tell .
On the bright side a real builder might scoop
This up unless their buddies buy it for cheap and
Do It all over again.
Did Niagara undergo some kind of demolition derby back in the 60's? So many vacant sites...
Being Vegas of the Great White North means only one street really needs to be active to make it work. Thankfully, they also have a large set of falls to look at. And for what that's worth.
