Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

11 YV and The One, July 20
So I guess the next landmark we have to look at is when we can no longer see what's going on even from bloors upper spot It will be really cool when this building gets to the next mechanical level and the exterior has cladded another super portion
Photos taken today, Friday (July 19). Since I posted last Friday, a lot of upward movement as they apparently have started on level 63. Much of the blue scaffolding has moved up a level on the top, as have the corner scaffolds, up to around level 55 or so, as the hanger sections near completion. As for the black Rail Climbing Systems (RCSs) which are installing the skin below, last week they were at levels 35, 35 and 34 for the east, north and west RCS, respectively. The RCSs now are at levels 36, 35 and 35. Level 36 being the top floor of the second mega-section (for lack of better word - is there a better word?), i.e., the sections between the mechanical levels. Soon we will see the completed "notch" look of that section. And the crane is up a section or two, with the exterior elevator looking like they are about to add three more levels to floor 56, the top of the third mega-section.

Starting with the latest Flickr "time-lapse" album addition, followed by views from the south, including a tight shot of the crane near the top. The view from Balmuto, directly across the street to the west, from Bloor at Balmuto by Holt Renfrew, then shots from Cumberland east of Bay, the diagonal view. From near the old Bay entrance on Bloor east of Yonge, then from Bloor and Bedford to the west, 1 Bloor W now covering more of 1 Bloor E, the last balconies about to be hidden. Then a shot of the new mountain range there... from Hoskin. Finally, from Queen's Park Cres E and College, framed by the Whitney Block tower, I posted the same view a week or so ago, rather like it.

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I think we see the first anomaly in the glass installation?

It's only a guess but It looks like it might be an awning window. Can't see from Benitos photos, maybe he can take a closer look when he has an opportunity.
I thought all the windows where that comes off as a surprise here. Not that's a bad thing.
