Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

Folks, we are not an investigative journalism outfit. We are a bunch of nerds who like to watch buildings go up. If you have created an account because you want to talk about exactly what is going on in Mizrahi's outfit, start a subreddit. The ONLY thing people on here really care about is the physical structure being built.

its not the volunteers, they take nice photos and they don't look into the rest of the story.
If you look urban TO has two threads to every project, one is a building thread for those of us who are interested in the engineering and watching the building go up if you are interested more in the finance side. There is a real estate thread for this as well and I believe these discussions are better place for the majority of people that participate in these threads are people interested in engineering and architecture, not in finances that is for the real estate thread
Just had the fun of watching a video on the Shanghai Tower. China's empty megatall anyone who is streaming about this building should go and watch building costs. 2.8 billion dollars and isn't occupied past the 50th floor but this is the only project that's a failure to them because they literally won't go outside to Toronto when looking at the grand scheme of things
