Toronto The Cardiff | 38.71m | 12s | Sierra | RAW Design

Last week. Appears to be up to the 4th or 5th floor if I counted correctly. Does anyone actually think it will be ready in September?
No way....they hardly even have a bit of plumbing in this thing let alone a chance to have sone units ready in six months. I think it's at 5 floors now.
Ah, textured precast that is not entirely dissimilar to what's being applied at 840 St Clair West, although the pattern here is horizontal instead of vertical. Both designed by RAW.

The grey skies from last Thursday don't help, but I actually found this building to look a bit better IRL. Perhaps not fully captured on photos from a fair distance, but the textured precast create a decent level of visual interest. If only they eliminated the grey spandrel panels, and stuck with an arrangement of black and white panels, this would've looked a whole lot better comprehensively.
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anyone know what this is on the rooftop? Is it the buildings hvac unit? It’s not in any of the renderings. Picture taken dec 3rd

anyone know what this is on the rooftop? Is it the buildings hvac unit? It’s not in any of the renderings. Picture taken dec 3rd

Yes, that would be HVAC equipment, and the architectural plans do not show its protrusion beside the elevator overrun either, although that is directly above where the mechanical room is on the plans. I would hope that would be screened in some way, if that's at its permanent height.

