Toronto The Cardiff | 38.71m | 12s | Sierra | RAW Design

Don't really understand why staff are recommending they oppose this proposal. The report notes the underground parking as one reason, but is vague for all other reasons.

From the report: The proposed built form does not meet the Healthy Neighbourhoods, Built Form, Neighbourhoods, or Apartment Neighbourhood policies of the Official Plan as they currently apply. As well, the proposal’s built form does not respect or enhance the scale, character and form of development, in keeping with the criteria of the Eglinton East Apartment High Street character area. Further, the built form does not meet the intent of a number of performance standards outlined in the Mid-rise Building Guidelines.

I would argue that the presence of retail in this proposal definitely enhances the area, considering it's surrounded by apartments that lack any retail. Adding something would be invariably good IMO.
"The use of the Neighbourhoods designated portion of the site as the transition area is not appropriate and has the potential to destabilize the remainder of the Neighbourhood."

The concern is over the Neighbourhood-zoned portion of the site having higher density than the rest of the neighbourhood, as it would open up that area to others who want to add density, and as we know, neighbourhoods are inviolate!


(Planning really badly needs to come up with ways of both allowing and limiting genre density increases in the Neighbourhoods, before they hollow out much more than they have already.)
Just some sitting ducks whilst the developer hassles with the City on this proposal.


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