Search for details about current planning applications and Minor variance and Consent applications. Application Information Centre For best results, please use the latest version of Microsoft IE/Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. As of July 30th, the Application Information Centre has...
Could have been cleaner, I don't mind the Yonge frontage too much. If they use stone for the beige parts, this might look quite nice. This has improved since the original renderings from a few years ago. I like the arched pedestrian access tunnel through the base.
Another mistake like the BA tower by not continue the frontage the full length of the building. The downside doing it will have bricks of different colours, but will age over time. Would be nice to see bricks for the whole project. I guess we will see the standard precast look.
Final Report - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - 2490-2514 Yonge Street, 10-12 Castlefield Avenue, and portions of 20 Castlefield Avenue and 567 Duplex Avenue
This item will be considered by North York Community Council on March 12, 2020. It will be considered by City Council on April 1, 2020, subject to the actions of the North York Community Council.
Alterations to Heritage Property at 2490-2506 Yonge Street, Intention to Designate 2490-2506 Yonge Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 2490-2506 Yonge Street