Toronto The Bentway (was Under Gardiner) | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

What should be the permanent name for the park under the Gardiner?

  • The Artery

    Votes: 12 6.5%
  • The Bentway

    Votes: 79 42.5%
  • Under Gardiner

    Votes: 52 28.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 43 23.1%

  • Total voters
The yawn.

Another minor quibble - the branding is awful (schizophrenia inducing yellow and black colour scheme?), ditto the website (hard to navigate, light in content, etc). One bright spot - the use of the column patterns in an almost runic/cuneiform manner is quite neat.


From Under Gardiner

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What the hell? Are they for real? These are the most creative names they could come up with after a citywide, months long search??

This shortlist has become a victim of design by committee. Generic, safe names were chosen as a compromise. Any creativity was sucked out. Boooring. o_O

They're all terrible in their own unique way. I think I'll just take to calling it 'Gardiner Park' or something.
I have no idea what the heck inspired that name.
The column and beam assemblies that support the Gardiner are each known as a bent.

I actually really like 'The Bentway'. It makes perfect sense when you watch the video. It'll require some education, but it's a lot more specific to the Gardiner than any of the other names.
I don't know, I think that if you have to explain and educate about why the name was chosen, it's not effective. Especially for tourism. It may well reflect what it is, but from a marketing point of view, it's going to be tough. I can see the memes now ...
Not saying that I'm supporting it (yet, anyway), but to explain, they're going for uniqueness: "The Bentway? I've never heard of anything like that! What's that about?!", hoping to pique people's curiosity. The problem is that 99.9999% of Torontonians would be asking that exact same question, and edumacating the masses as to why-for that name would take years.

Under Gardiner makes a lot more sense to me.

