Developer: Montcrest Asset Management
Architect: Richard Wengle Architect
Address: 3180 Yonge St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 191 ft / 58.13 mStoreys: 16 storeys
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Toronto The Aston Residences | 58.13m | 16s | Montcrest | Richard Wengle

NYX are trying to sell this site too (for a hilarious asking price)...
Yup. I think they spent over $30m on the assembly at roughly 125K SF GFA. So high $200/buildable. I assume they'd be looking for north of $300/buildable to make their money back and a bit of profit
"We would like to move forward with the demolition process soon so we can start construction without delay once the other approvals (i.e. site plan approval and a building permit) are in place."

My understanding is they are also looking to add 4 more stories, so not sure how they think they could start construction without delay? Also, see this as very low probability that Montcrest will develop, rather they are trying to get demolition and added height to justify their high asking price.
Don't see the application yet............but this is coming:

MV link:

Architectural Plans have not yet been uploaded to the AIC but the database has been updated to reflect the Minor Variance application at 15s / 58.13m, 153-units (increases from the approved 11s / 42.53m, 115-units). Renderings currently in the database reflect the previous design.

The staff report recommends the variances be refused citing lack of height precedent within the draft Lawrence PMTSA. The Committee of Adjustment hearing has not been scheduled yet.

As of July 18, demolition permits have been issued for all structures within 3180 - 3202 Yonge
MV link:

Architectural Plans have not yet been uploaded to the AIC but the database has been updated to reflect the Minor Variance application at 15s / 58.13m, 153-units (increases from the approved 11s / 42.53m, 115-units). Renderings currently in the database reflect the previous design.

The staff report recommends the variances be refused citing lack of height precedent within the draft Lawrence PMTSA. The Committee of Adjustment hearing has not been scheduled yet.

Just wondering; the staff report mentions a hearing date of Aug. 1. Is this not set?
Docs are now up for the MV:
MV link:

Architectural Plans have not yet been uploaded to the AIC but the database has been updated to reflect the Minor Variance application at 15s / 58.13m, 153-units (increases from the approved 11s / 42.53m, 115-units). Renderings currently in the database reflect the previous design.

The staff report recommends the variances be refused citing lack of height precedent within the draft Lawrence PMTSA. The Committee of Adjustment hearing has not been scheduled yet.

As of July 18, demolition permits have been issued for all structures within 3180 - 3202 Yonge

This has been revised to 16-storeys due to indoor amenity in the mech level.

CoA hearing is tentatively scheduled for August 29.

Updated renderings
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-0.jpg
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-112.jpg
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-113.jpg
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-114.jpg
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-115.jpg
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-116.jpg
PLN-CA Plans - 3. Architectural Set - RWA (2024.06.03)-117.jpg
